# Record Store Record Store is a tool to manage DNS through a git-based workflow. ## Getting Started ``` record-store apply # Applies the DNS changes record-store assert_empty_diff # Asserts there is no divergence between DynECT & the zone files record-store diff # Displays the DNS differences between the zone files in this repo and production record-store download -n, --name=NAME # Downloads all records from zone and creates YAML zone definition in zones/ e.g. record-store download --name=sho... record-store freeze # Freezes all zones under management to prevent manual edits record-store help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command record-store list # Lists out records in YAML zonefiles record-store secrets # Decrypts DynECT credentials record-store sort -n, --name=NAME # Sorts the zonefile alphabetically e.g. record-store sort --name=shopify.io record-store thaw # Thaws all zones under management to allow manual edits record-store validate_change_size # Validates no more then particular limit of DNS records are removed per zone at a time record-store validate_initial_state # Validates state hasn't diverged since the last deploy record-store validate_records # Validates that all DNS records have valid definitions ``` ## Providers Below is the list of DNS providers supported by Record Store. PRs [adding more](#adding-new-providers) are welcome. ### DNSimple Record Store uses DNSimple's [v2 API](https://developer.dnsimple.com/v2/). To use DNSimple, you'll need to add the primary user's `account_id` and `api_token` to `secrets.json`. ### DynECT In order to use DynECT, you'll need to create a user that has the [correct read and write permissions](#dynect-permissions). Add the user's `username` & `password` (i.e. API password) as well as your DynECT `customer` name to `secrets.json`. #### Design The DynECT provider uses [DynECT's DNS API](https://help.dyn.com/rest-resources/) to sync the YAML zone files. DynECT uses an [update/publish cycle](https://help.dyn.com/understanding-works-api/) in their API which means no changes take place until POSTing to the publish endpoint. This allows us to handle all failures by discarding the changes we attempted to create. The DynECT zones managed by Record Store are frozen in DynECT (frozen zones cannot be changed); the deploy process will thaw them so it can make the necessary changes, and refreeze once the deploy process has completed. #### DynECT permissions The permissions required are broken into 2 groups: * READ: `RecordGet`, `ZoneGet` * WRITE: `RecordAdd`, `RecordDelete`, `ZonePublish`, `ZoneDiscardChangeset`, `ZoneFreeze`, `ZoneThaw`, `ZoneAddNode`, `ZoneRemoveNode` All CI validations only require READ permissions; deploying requires a user with READ and WRITE permissions. In addition, the `AliasService` permission is required to be able to read or write ALIAS records on DynECT. For a breakdown of what each permission allows read through [DynECT's permissions guide](https://help.dyn.com/user-and-group-permissions/). ---- # Architecture All CLI commands are defined in [`lib/record_store/cli.rb`](lib/record_store/cli.rb) with [Thor](https://github.com/erikhuda/thor). ### Zones and Records The `Zone` and `Record` models are representations of their DNS equivalents. Both have validations to ensure configurations are RFC compliant. These are specified using `ActiveModel::Validations`. Most CLI interactions are through the `Zone` model. ### Providers In order to be provider agnostic, Record Store encapsulates all provider interactions in the `Provider` model and its children. A provider is initialized for each `zone`. ### Changeset Changesets are how Record Store knows what updates to make. A `Changeset` is generated by comparing the current records in a zone with the desired final state. A `Changeset` is composed of one or more `Changeset::Change`. Each `Change` is either an `addition`, `removal`, or `update`. Since the ID of records aren't specified in zone files, FQDNs are used to dedup when records can be updated or when new ones need to be created. When running `bin/record-store apply`, a `Changeset` is generated by comparing the current records in a zone's YAML file with the records the provider defines. A zone's YAML file is always considered the primary source of truth. ---- # Development To get started developing on Record Store, run `bin/setup`. This will create a development directory, `dev/`, that mimics what a production directory managing DNS records using Record Store would look like. Use it as a sandbox when developing Record Store. You can use `bin/console` to get play with the dev data, or you can `cd` into `dev/` and use `bin/record-store` to test out the CLI. ### Adding new Providers To add a new Provider, create a class inheriting `Provider` in [`lib/record_store/provider/`](lib/record_store/provider/). The [DynECT provider](lib/record_store/provider/dynect.rb) is good to use as a reference implementation. **Note**: _there's no need to wrap `Provider#apply_changeset` unless it's necessary to do something before/after making changes to a zone._ Provider API interactions are tested with [VCR](https://github.com/vcr/vcr). To generate the fixtures, update [`test/dummy/secrets.json`](test/dummy/secrets.json) with valid credentials, run the test suite, and change the values back to stub credentials. **Important**: _be sure to [filter sensitive data](https://github.com/Shopify/record_store/blob/1ec0d1410cf8bedf79bc63e8e4cdc7cdb0f1019b/test/test_helper.rb#L23-L56) from the fixtures or you're going to have a bad time._ Outline of [`Provider`](lib/record_store/provider.rb): ```ruby class Provider # Downloads all the records from the provider. # # Returns: an array of `Record` for each record in the provider's zone def retrieve_current_records end # Returns an array of the zones managed by provider as strings def zones end ######## NOTE ######## # The following methods only need to be implemented if the provider supports the ability to # lock/unlock changes to zones. ###################### # Lock the ability to make any changes to the zone without unlocking it first. It is expected # this call modifies external state. def freeze_zone end # Unlocks the zone to allow making changes (see `Provider#freeze_zone`). def thaw end private ######## NOTE ######## # The following methods only need to be implemented if you are using the base provider's # implementation of apply_changeset to manage the contents of the changeset (or transaction). ###################### # Creates a new record to the zone. It is expected this call modifies external state. # # Arguments: # record - a kind of `Record` def add(record) end # Deletes an existing record from the zone. It is expected this call modifies external state. # # Arguments: # record - a kind of `Record` def remove(record) end # Updates an existing record in the zone. It is expected this call modifies external state. # # Arguments: # id - provider specific ID of record to update # record - a kind of `Record` which the record with `id` should be updated to def update(id, record) end end ``` #### Provider-Specific Records For provider-specific records (e.g. `ALIAS`), create the record model in `lib/record_store/record` as any other record. In the provider, extend `self.record_types` and append the custom record types to the `Set` returned by `Provider.record_types` (e.g. [`DNSimple.record_types`](https://github.com/Shopify/record_store/blob/368153106068800325b4e579483faa427afe7add/lib/record_store/provider/dnsimple.rb#L6)). #### Secrets When adding a new provider, be sure to update the `secrets.json` in [`template/secrets.json`](template/secrets.json) and [`test/dummy/secrets.json`](test/dummy/secrets.json) with the new provider and required fields for the API to work. ### Test Changes on Providers In order to test changes on providers, you're going to need to update `dev/secrets.json` with credentials. **Note**: make sure the credentials are for test zone(s) as the changes specified in the directory **will be applied**. # Acknowledgements Big thanks to [@pjb3](https://github.com/pjb3) for graciously letting us use the `record_store` gem namespace.