require 'forwardable' require 'genevalidator/blast' # A module to validate the command line Arguments ## CREDIT: some of these methods have been adapted from SequenceServer module GeneValidator # TODO: If a tabular file is provided, ensure that a tabular file has the # right number of columns # TODO: assert_if_ruby_version_is_supported # A class to validate the arguments passed to the Validation Class class GVArgValidation class << self extend Forwardable def_delegators GeneValidator, :opt def validate_args @opt = opt assert_file_present('input file', opt[:input_fasta_file]) assert_input_file_probably_fasta assert_input_sequence assert_BLAST_output_files assert_validations_arg check_num_threads export_bin_dirs unless @opt[:bin].nil? Blast.validate(opt) unless @opt[:test] assert_mafft_installation end # Return `true` if the given command exists and is executable. def command?(command) system("which #{command} > /dev/null 2>&1") end private def assert_validations_arg validations = %w[lenc lenr frame merge dup orf align] if @opt[:validations] val = @opt[:validations].collect { |v| v.strip.downcase } validations = val unless val.include? 'all' end @opt[:validations] = validations end def check_num_threads @opt[:num_threads] = Integer(@opt[:num_threads]) unless @opt[:num_threads].positive? warn 'Number of threads can not be lower than 0' warn 'Setting number of threads to 1' @opt[:num_threads] = 1 end return unless @opt[:num_threads] > 256 warn "Number of threads set at #{@opt[:num_threads]} is" \ ' unusually high.' end def assert_BLAST_output_files return unless @opt[:blast_xml_file] || @opt[:blast_tabular_file] if @opt[:blast_xml_file] assert_file_present('BLAST XML file', @opt[:blast_xml_file]) elsif @opt[:blast_tabular_file] assert_file_present('BLAST tabular file', @opt[:blast_tabular_file]) assert_tabular_options_exists end end def assert_tabular_options_exists return if @opt[:blast_tabular_options] warn '*** Error: BLAST tabular options (-o) have not been set.' warn ' Please set the "-o" option with the custom format' warn ' used in the BLAST -outfmt argument' exit 1 end def assert_input_file_probably_fasta[:input_fasta_file], 'r') do |file_stream| file_stream.readline[0] == '>' end end def assert_file_present(desc, file, exit_code = 1) return if file && File.exist?(File.expand_path(file)) warn "*** Error: Couldn't find the #{desc}: #{file}." exit exit_code end alias assert_dir_present assert_file_present def assert_input_sequence fasta_content = IO.binread(@opt[:input_fasta_file]) type = BlastUtils.type_of_sequences(fasta_content) return if %i[nucleotide protein].include? type warn '*** Error: The input files does not contain just protein' warn ' or nucleotide data.' warn ' Please correct this and try again.' exit 1 end def export_bin_dirs @opt[:bin].each do |bin| bin = File.expand_path(bin) if File.exist?(bin) && add_to_path(bin) else warn '*** The following bin directory does not exist:' warn " #{bin}" end end end ## Checks if dir is in $PATH and if not, it adds the dir to the $PATH. def add_to_path(bin_dir) return unless bin_dir return if ENV['PATH'].split(':').include?(bin_dir) ENV['PATH'] = "#{bin_dir}:#{ENV['PATH']}" end def assert_mafft_installation return if command?('mafft') warn '*** Could not find Mafft binaries.' warn ' Ignoring error and continuing - Please note that' \ ' some validations may be skipped.' warn # a blank line end end # Validates BLAST Installation (And BLAST databases) class Blast class << self # Use a fixed minimum version of BLAST+ MINIMUM_BLAST_VERSION = '2.2.30+'.freeze # Use the following exit codes, or 1. EXIT_BLAST_NOT_INSTALLED = 2 EXIT_BLAST_NOT_COMPATIBLE = 3 EXIT_NO_BLAST_DATABASE = 4 def validate(opt) assert_blast_installation assert_local_blast_database_exists(opt[:db]) if opt[:db] !~ /remote/ end def assert_blast_installation # Validate BLAST installation assert_blast_installed assert_blast_compatible end def assert_local_blast_database_exists(db) return if system("blastdbcmd -db #{db} -info > /dev/null 2>&1") warn '*** No BLAST database found at the provided path.' warn ' Please ensure that the provided path is correct' \ ' and then try again.' exit EXIT_NO_BLAST_DATABASE end private def assert_blast_installed return if GVArgValidation.command?('blastdbcmd') warn '*** Could not find BLAST+ binaries.' exit EXIT_BLAST_NOT_INSTALLED end def assert_blast_compatible version = `blastdbcmd -version`.split[1] return if version >= MINIMUM_BLAST_VERSION warn "*** Your BLAST+ version #{version} is outdated." warn ' GeneValidator needs NCBI BLAST+ version' \ " #{MINIMUM_BLAST_VERSION} or higher." exit EXIT_BLAST_NOT_COMPATIBLE end end end end end