language: objective-c osx_image: xcode11.3 env: global: - RUBYMOTION_LICENSE=1dcac45cc434293009f74b33037bdf7361a3a1ff # Official license key for open-source projects - TMP_DIR=./tmp # For motion repo, so it doesn't attempt to use /tmp, to which it has no access - OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES before_install: - brew update - brew outdated xctool || brew upgrade xctool - (xcrun simctl list) - wget -O RubyMotion-TravisCI.pkg - sudo installer -pkg RubyMotion-TravisCI.pkg -target / - cp -r /usr/lib/swift/*.dylib /Applications/ - touch /Applications/ - sudo mkdir -p ~/Library/RubyMotion/build - sudo chown -R travis ~/Library/RubyMotion - eval "sudo motion activate $RUBYMOTION_LICENSE" - sudo motion update - (motion --version) - (ruby --version) - motion repo script: bundle exec rake spec