require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe VCR::Cassette do describe '#file' do temp_dir File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/file'), :assign_to_cassette_library_dir => true it 'combines the cassette_library_dir with the cassette name' do cassette ='the_file') cassette.file.should == File.join(VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir, 'the_file.yml') end it 'strips out disallowed characters so that it is a valid file name with no spaces' do cassette ="\nthis \t! is-the_13212_file name") cassette.file.should =~ /#{Regexp.escape('_this_is-the_13212_file_name.yml')}$/ end it 'keeps any path separators' do cassette ="dir/file_name") cassette.file.should =~ /#{Regexp.escape('dir/file_name.yml')}$/ end it 'returns nil if the cassette_library_dir is not set' do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = nil cassette ='the_file') cassette.file.should be_nil end end describe '#record_http_interaction' do it 'adds the interaction to #recorded_interactions' do cassette = cassette.recorded_interactions.should == [] cassette.record_http_interaction(:the_interaction) cassette.recorded_interactions.should == [:the_interaction] end end describe '#match_requests_on' do before(:each) { VCR::Config.default_cassette_options.merge!(:match_requests_on => [:uri, :method]) } it "returns the provided options" do c ='example', :match_requests_on => [:uri]) c.match_requests_on.should == [:uri] end it "returns a the default #match_requests_on when it has not been specified for the cassette" do c ='example') c.match_requests_on.should == [:uri, :method] end end describe 'on creation' do it 'raises an error with a helpful message when loading an old unsupported cassette' do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}") lambda {'0_3_1_cassette') }.should raise_error(/The VCR cassette 0_3_1_cassette.yml uses an old format that is now deprecated/) end it "raises an error if given an invalid record mode" do lambda {, :record => :not_a_record_mode) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises an error if given invalid options' do expect {, :invalid => :option) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'creates a stubs checkpoint on the http_stubbing_adapter' do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:create_stubs_checkpoint).with('example').once'example') end describe 'ERB support' do before(:each) do @orig_default_options = VCR::Config.default_cassette_options end after(:each) do VCR::Config.default_cassette_options = @orig_default_options end def cassette_body(name, options = {}) VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec"), options.merge(:record => :new_episodes)).recorded_interactions.first.response.body end it "compiles a template as ERB if the :erb option is passed as true" do cassette_body('erb_with_no_vars', :erb => true).should == 'sum: 3' end it "compiles a template as ERB if the default :erb option is true, and no option is passed to the cassette" do VCR::Config.default_cassette_options = { :erb => true } cassette_body('erb_with_no_vars').should == 'sum: 3' end it "does not compile a template as ERB if the default :erb option is true, and :erb => false is passed to the cassette" do VCR::Config.default_cassette_options = { :erb => true } cassette_body('erb_with_no_vars', :erb => false).should == 'sum: <%= 1 + 2 %>' end it "compiles a template as ERB if the :erb option is passed a hash" do cassette_body('erb_with_vars', :erb => { :var1 => 'a', :var3 => 'c', :var2 => 'b' }).should == 'var1: a; var2: b; var3: c' end it "does not compile a template as ERB if the :erb option is not used" do cassette_body('erb_with_no_vars').should == 'sum: <%= 1 + 2 %>' end it "raises a helpful error if the ERB template references variables that are not passed in the :erb hash" do expect { cassette_body('erb_with_vars', :erb => { :var1 => 'a', :var2 => 'b' }) }.to raise_error(VCR::Cassette::MissingERBVariableError, %{The ERB in the erb_with_vars.yml cassette file references undefined variable var3. } + %{Pass it to the cassette using :erb => #{ { :var1 => 'a', :var2 => 'b' }.merge(:var3 => 'some value').inspect }.} ) end it "raises a helpful error if the ERB template references variables and :erb => true is passed" do expect { cassette_body('erb_with_vars', :erb => true) }.to raise_error(VCR::Cassette::MissingERBVariableError, %{The ERB in the erb_with_vars.yml cassette file references undefined variable var1. } + %{Pass it to the cassette using :erb => {:var1=>"some value"}.} ) end end VCR::Cassette::VALID_RECORD_MODES.each do |record_mode| http_connections_allowed = (record_mode != :none) load_interactions = (record_mode != :all) context "when VCR::Config.default_cassette_options[:record] is :#{record_mode}" do before(:each) { VCR::Config.default_cassette_options = { :record => record_mode } } it "defaults the record mode to #{record_mode} when VCR::Config.default_cassette_options[:record] is #{record_mode}" do cassette = cassette.record_mode.should == record_mode end end context "when the record mode is :#{record_mode}" do it "sets http_connections_allowed to #{http_connections_allowed} on the http stubbing adapter" do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:http_connections_allowed=).with(http_connections_allowed), :record => record_mode) end if load_interactions [true, false].each do |ignore_localhost| expected_uri_hosts = %w( expected_uri_hosts += VCR::LOCALHOST_ALIASES unless ignore_localhost it "#{ ignore_localhost ? 'does not load' : 'loads' } localhost interactions from the cassette file when http_stubbing_adapter.ignore_localhost is set to #{ignore_localhost}" do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.stub!(:ignore_localhost?).and_return(ignore_localhost) VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") cassette ='with_localhost_requests', :record => record_mode) { |i| URI.parse(i.uri).host }.should =~ expected_uri_hosts end end it "loads the recorded interactions from the library yml file" do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") cassette ='example', :record => record_mode) cassette.should have(3).recorded_interactions i1, i2, i3 = *cassette.recorded_interactions i1.request.method.should == :get i1.request.uri.should == '' i1.response.body.should =~ /You have reached this web page by typing.+example\.com/ i2.request.method.should == :get i2.request.uri.should == '' i2.response.body.should =~ /foo was not found on this server/ i3.request.method.should == :get i3.request.uri.should == '' i3.response.body.should =~ /Another example\.com response/ end it "stubs the recorded requests with the http stubbing adapter" do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:stub_requests).with([an_instance_of(VCR::HTTPInteraction)]*3, anything) cassette ='example', :record => record_mode) end it "passes the :match_request_on option to #stub_requests" do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:stub_requests).with(anything, [:body, :headers]) cassette ='example', :record => record_mode, :match_requests_on => [:body, :headers]) end else it "does not stub the recorded requests with the http stubbing adapter" do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_not_receive(:stub_requests) cassette ='example', :record => record_mode) end it "does not load the recorded interactions from the library yml file" do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") cassette ='example', :record => record_mode) cassette.should have(0).recorded_interactions end end end end end describe '#eject' do temp_dir File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/cassette_spec_eject'), :assign_to_cassette_library_dir => true [true, false].each do |orig_http_connections_allowed| it "resets #{orig_http_connections_allowed} on the http stubbing adapter if it was originally #{orig_http_connections_allowed}" do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:http_connections_allowed?).and_return(orig_http_connections_allowed) cassette = VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:http_connections_allowed=).with(orig_http_connections_allowed) cassette.eject end end it "writes the recorded interactions to disk as yaml" do recorded_interactions = [, :response_1),, :response_2),, :response_3) ] cassette = cassette.stub!(:recorded_interactions).and_return(recorded_interactions) lambda { cassette.eject }.should change { File.exist?(cassette.file) }.from(false).to(true) saved_recorded_interactions =, "r") { |f| YAML.load( } saved_recorded_interactions.should == recorded_interactions end it "writes the recorded interactions to a subdirectory if the cassette name includes a directory" do recorded_interactions = [, :the_response)] cassette ='subdirectory/test_cassette') cassette.stub!(:recorded_interactions).and_return(recorded_interactions) lambda { cassette.eject }.should change { File.exist?(cassette.file) }.from(false).to(true) saved_recorded_interactions =, "r") { |f| YAML.load( } saved_recorded_interactions.should == recorded_interactions end it "writes both old and new recorded interactions to disk" do file = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec/example.yml") FileUtils.cp file, File.join(@temp_dir, 'previously_recorded_interactions.yml') cassette ='previously_recorded_interactions') cassette.should have(3).recorded_interactions new_recorded_interaction =, :the_response) cassette.record_http_interaction(new_recorded_interaction) cassette.eject saved_recorded_interactions =, "r") { |f| YAML.load( } saved_recorded_interactions.should have(4).recorded_interactions saved_recorded_interactions.last.should == new_recorded_interaction end end describe '#eject for a cassette with previously recorded interactions' do it "restore the stubs checkpoint on the http stubbing adapter" do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") cassette ='example', :record => :none) VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:restore_stubs_checkpoint).with('example') cassette.eject end it "does not re-write to disk the previously recorded interactions if there are no new ones" do VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{YAML_SERIALIZATION_VERSION}/cassette_spec") yaml_file = File.join(VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir, 'example.yml') cassette ='example', :record => :none) File.should_not_receive(:open).with(cassette.file, 'w') lambda { cassette.eject }.should_not change { File.mtime(yaml_file) } end end end