package import import{AmazonS3, AmazonS3Client} import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials import import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContextExecutor, Future} import import import import import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, TimeUnit} import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS import import import import scala.Some import import import class S3(implicit s3Settings: S3Settings, executor: ExecutionContextExecutor) { def upload(upload: Upload with UploadTypeResolved)(implicit a: Attempt = 1, config: Config): Future[Either[FailedUpload, SuccessfulUpload]] = Future { s3Settings.s3Client(config) putObject toPutObjectRequest(upload) val report = SuccessfulUpload(upload) info(report) Right(report) } recoverWith retry( createFailureReport = error => FailedUpload(upload.s3Key, error), retryAction = newAttempt => this.upload(upload)(newAttempt, config) ) def delete(s3Key: String)(implicit a: Attempt = 1, config: Config): Future[Either[FailedDelete, SuccessfulDelete]] = Future { s3Settings.s3Client(config) deleteObject(config.s3_bucket, s3Key) val report = SuccessfulDelete(s3Key) info(report) Right(report) } recoverWith retry( createFailureReport = error => FailedDelete(s3Key, error), retryAction = newAttempt => this.delete(s3Key)(newAttempt, config) ) def toPutObjectRequest(upload: Upload)(implicit config: Config) = upload.essence.fold( redirect => { val req = new PutObjectRequest(config.s3_bucket, upload.s3Key, redirect.redirectTarget) req.setMetadata({ val md = new ObjectMetadata() md.setContentLength(0) // Otherwise the AWS SDK will log a warning /* * Instruct HTTP clients to always re-check the redirect. The 301 status code may override this, though. * This is for the sake of simplicity. */ md.setCacheControl("max-age=0, no-cache") md }) req }, uploadBody => { val md = new ObjectMetadata() md setContentLength uploadBody.contentLength md setContentType uploadBody.contentType uploadBody.contentEncoding foreach md.setContentEncoding uploadBody.maxAge foreach (seconds => md.setCacheControl(s"max-age=$seconds")) val req = new PutObjectRequest(config.s3_bucket, upload.s3Key, uploadBody.openInputStream(), md) config.s3_reduced_redundancy.filter(_ == true) foreach (_ => req setStorageClass ReducedRedundancy) req } ) } object S3 { def awsS3Client(config: Config) = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(config.s3_id, config.s3_secret)) def resolveS3Files(nextMarker: Option[String] = None, alreadyResolved: Seq[S3File] = Nil) (implicit attempt: Attempt = 1, config: Config, s3Settings: S3Settings, ec: ExecutionContextExecutor): ObjectListingResult = Future { nextMarker.foreach(m => info(s"Fetching the next part of the object listing from S3 (starting from $m)")) val objects: ObjectListing = s3Settings.s3Client(config).listObjects({ val req = new ListObjectsRequest() req.setBucketName(config.s3_bucket) nextMarker.foreach(req.setMarker) req }) objects } flatMap { objects => val s3Files = alreadyResolved ++ (objects.getObjectSummaries.toIndexedSeq.toSeq map (S3File(_))) Option(objects.getNextMarker) .fold(Future(Right(s3Files)): ObjectListingResult)(nextMarker => resolveS3Files(Some(nextMarker), s3Files)) } recoverWith retry( createFailureReport = error => UserError(s"Failed to fetch an object listing (${error.getMessage})"), retryAction = nextAttempt => resolveS3Files(nextMarker, alreadyResolved)(nextAttempt, config, s3Settings, ec) ) type ObjectListingResult = Future[Either[ErrorReport, Seq[S3File]]] sealed trait PushFailureReport extends FailureReport sealed trait PushSuccessReport extends SuccessReport { def s3Key: String } def retry[L <: Report, R](createFailureReport: (Throwable) => L, retryAction: (Attempt) => Future[Either[L, R]]) (implicit attempt: Attempt, s3Settings: S3Settings, ec: ExecutionContextExecutor): PartialFunction[Throwable, Future[Either[L, R]]] = { case error: Throwable if attempt == 6 || isClientError(error) => val failureReport = createFailureReport(error) fail(failureReport.reportMessage) Future(Left(failureReport)) case error: Throwable => val failureReport = createFailureReport(error) val sleepDuration = Duration(fibs.drop(attempt + 1).head, s3Settings.retrySleepTimeUnit) pending(s"${failureReport.reportMessage}. Trying again in $sleepDuration.") Thread.sleep(sleepDuration.toMillis) retryAction(attempt + 1) } type Attempt = Int case class SuccessfulUpload(upload: Upload with UploadTypeResolved) extends PushSuccessReport { def reportMessage = upload.uploadType match { case NewFile => s"Created ${upload.s3Key}" case Update => s"Updated ${upload.s3Key}" case Redirect => s"Redirecting ${upload.essence.left.get.key} to ${upload.essence.left.get.redirectTarget}" } def s3Key = upload.s3Key } case class SuccessfulDelete(s3Key: String) extends PushSuccessReport { def reportMessage = s"Deleted $s3Key" } case class FailedUpload(s3Key: String, error: Throwable) extends PushFailureReport { def reportMessage = s"Failed to upload $s3Key (${error.getMessage})" } case class FailedDelete(s3Key: String, error: Throwable) extends PushFailureReport { def reportMessage = s"Failed to delete $s3Key (${error.getMessage})" } type S3ClientProvider = (Config) => AmazonS3 case class S3Settings( s3Client: S3ClientProvider = S3.awsS3Client, retrySleepTimeUnit: TimeUnit = SECONDS ) }