Feature: Showing build output in simple format Scenario: Showing file compilation Given I have a file to compile When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple" Then I should see a successful compilation message Scenario: Showing precompilation Given I have a precompiled header When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple" Then I should see a successful precompilation message Scenario: Showing file compilation with color Given I have a file to compile When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple --color" Then I should see a yellow completion icon Scenario: Showing precompilation Given I have a precompiled header When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple --color" Then I should see a yellow completion icon Scenario: Showing the start of a test run Given the tests have started running When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple" Then I should see that test suite has started Scenario: Showing the start of a test suite Given I start a test suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple" Then I should see the name of suite only Scenario: Showing the end of a test suite Given I finish a test suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple" Then I should see that the test suite finished Scenario: Showing failed test output Given I have a failing test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple" Then I should see the name of a failed test And I should see the path of a failed test Scenario: Showing successful test output Given I have a passing test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple" Then I should see the name of a passing test And I should not see the name of the test group And I should not see the path of a passing test Scenario: Showing failed test output with color Given I have a failing test in my suite And I finish a test suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple --color" Then I should see a red failed test mark And the final execution message should be red Scenario: Showing successful test output with color Given I have a passing test in my suite And I finish a test suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--simple --color" Then I should see a green passing test mark