module Backup class Jar def initialize(file_item, root_path, local_path, key = nil) @root_path = root_path @local_path = local_path @timestamp = Backup::Timestamp.create @file_item = file_item @key = key end def jar_hash Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@local_path) end def save increment = false, compression = nil, purge = false @meta_index = {} @local_files = hash_local_files if increment last_timestamp = Jar.jar_versions(@file_item, @root_path, jar_hash, true).last if last_timestamp.nil? puts_fail "First you must create a full backup for #{@local_path.dark_green}" end @last_index = Jar.fetch_index_for(@file_item, @root_path, jar_hash, last_timestamp) @local_files.keys.each do |file| current = @local_files[file].dup current.delete(:timestamp) unless @last_index[file].nil? backup = @last_index[file].dup backup.delete(:timestamp) if (current == backup) or (!current[:checksum].nil? and current[:checksum] == backup[:checksum]) @meta_index[file] = @local_files[file] @meta_index[file][:timestamp] = @last_index[file][:timestamp] end end end end unless @key.nil? @meta_index.merge!({ :checksum => Base64.encode64(@key.encrypt(@timestamp)) }) end unless compression.nil? @meta_index.merge!({ :compression => compression.type.to_s }) end @file_item.create_directory_once meta_jars_path, meta_jar_path, jar_data_path @file_item.create_file_once( "#{meta_jars_path}/#{jar_hash}", @file_item.semantic_path(@local_path) ) if @file_item.is_a? Backup::FileItem::Cloud pbar = "Uploading", @local_files.keys.count ) else pbar = "Copying", @local_files.keys.count ) end pbar.bar_mark = '*' begin @local_files.keys.each do |file| if @meta_index[file].nil? unless file data =, 'rb').read checksum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( 0 data = compression.compress(, 3) unless compression.nil? data = @key.encrypt_to_stream(data) if @key @file_item.create_file_once( "#{jar_data_path}/#{@file_item.file_hash file}", data ) end @meta_index[file] = @local_files[file] @meta_index[file][:checksum] = checksum @meta_index[file][:timestamp] = @timestamp end end rescue Exception => e @meta_index.merge!({ :jar_path => meta_jar_path, :timestamp => @timestamp })"/var/tmp/encbs.swap", "w") do |f| f.print @meta_index.to_yaml end puts puts_fail "Index file has been saved that to allow upload into cloud in next run." else @file_item.create_file_once( "#{meta_jar_path}/#{@timestamp}.yml", @meta_index.to_yaml ) pbar.finish if purge puts "Removing previous backups..." previous_versions = Jar.jar_versions @file_item, @root_path, jar_hash, true previous_versions.delete @timestamp previous_versions.each do |version| @file_item.delete_file "#{meta_jar_path}/#{version}.yml" @file_item.delete_dir "#{@root_path}/#{jar_hash}/#{version}" end end end @timestamp end def hash_local_files files = {} if @local_path matches = Dir.glob(File.join(@local_path, "/**/*"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH) matches = do |match| match[/\/..$/].nil? and match[/\/.$/].nil? end matches << @local_path matches.each do |match| files.merge!(@file_item.stat match) end else files = @file_item.stat @local_path end files end class << self def hash_to_path(file_item, root_path, hash) file_item.read_file("#{root_path}/meta/jars/#{hash}") rescue Errno::ENOENT "" end def all(file_item, root_path) hashes = file_item.dir("#{root_path}/meta/jars").map do |backup| backup[/[0-9a-z]{32}$/] end.compact.sort result = {} hashes.each do |hash| jar_local_path = Jar.hash_to_path(file_item, root_path, hash) result[jar_local_path] = hash unless jar_local_path.empty? end result end def jar_versions(file_item, root_path, jar, hash = false) jar = jar.chop if jar =~ /\/$/ jar = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(jar) unless hash meta_jar_path = "#{root_path}/meta/#{jar}" file_item.dir(meta_jar_path, "*.yml").map do |file| match = file.match(/^\/?([0-9]{12}).yml$/) match[1] if match end.compact.sort end def fetch_index_for(file_item, root_path, hash, timestamp) index = file_item.read_file "#{root_path}/meta/#{hash}/#{timestamp}.yml" YAML::load(index) unless index.nil? end end private def meta_jars_path "#{@root_path}/meta/jars" end def meta_jar_path "#{@root_path}/meta/#{jar_hash}" end def jar_data_path "#{@root_path}/#{jar_hash}/#{@timestamp}" end end end