require 'securerandom' module ForemanTasks class Task < ApplicationRecord include Authorizable def check_permissions_after_save # there's no create_tasks permission, tasks are created as a result of internal actions, in such case we # don't do authorization, that should have been performed on wrapping action level # the same applies for updating true end # TODO: missing validation of states self.primary_key = :id before_create :generate_id belongs_to :parent_task, :class_name => 'ForemanTasks::Task' has_many :sub_tasks, :class_name => 'ForemanTasks::Task', :foreign_key => :parent_task_id, :dependent => :nullify has_many :locks, :dependent => :destroy has_many :task_group_members, :dependent => :destroy has_many :task_groups, :through => :task_group_members if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 has_many :recurring_logic_task_groups, :through => :task_group_members, :conditions => { :type => 'ForemanTasks::TaskGroups::RecurringLogicTaskGroup' }, :source => :task_group has_many :owners, :through => :locks, :source => :resource, :source_type => 'User', :conditions => [' = ?', Lock::OWNER_LOCK_NAME] else has_many :recurring_logic_task_groups, -> { where :type => 'ForemanTasks::TaskGroups::RecurringLogicTaskGroup' }, :through => :task_group_members, :source => :task_group # in fact, the task has only one owner but Rails don't let you to # specify has_one relation though has_many relation has_many :owners, -> { where([' = ?', Lock::OWNER_LOCK_NAME]) }, :through => :locks, :source => :resource, :source_type => 'User' end scoped_search :on => :id, :complete_value => false scoped_search :on => :label, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :state, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :result, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :started_at, :complete_value => false scoped_search :on => :start_at, :complete_value => false scoped_search :on => :ended_at, :complete_value => false scoped_search :on => :parent_task_id, :complete_value => true scoped_search :relation => :locks, :on => :resource_type, :complete_value => true, :rename => 'resource_type', :ext_method => :search_by_generic_resource scoped_search :relation => :locks, :on => :resource_id, :complete_value => false, :rename => 'resource_id', :ext_method => :search_by_generic_resource scoped_search :relation => :owners, :on => :id, :complete_value => true, :rename => '', :ext_method => :search_by_owner, :validator => ->(value) { || value == 'current_user' } scoped_search :relation => :owners, :on => :login, :complete_value => true, :rename => 'owner.login', :ext_method => :search_by_owner, :aliases => [:user] scoped_search :relation => :owners, :on => :firstname, :complete_value => true, :rename => 'owner.firstname', :ext_method => :search_by_owner scoped_search :relation => :task_groups, :on => :id, :complete_value => true, :rename => '', :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER scope :active, -> { where('foreman_tasks_tasks.state != ?', :stopped) } scope :running, -> { where("foreman_tasks_tasks.state NOT IN ('stopped', 'paused')") } scope :for_resource, (lambda do |resource| joins(:locks).where(:"foreman_tasks_locks.resource_id" =>, :"foreman_tasks_locks.resource_type" => end) scope :for_action_types, (->(action_types) { where('foreman_tasks_tasks.label IN (?)', Array(action_types)) }) def input {} end def output {} end def owner owners.first end def username owner.try(:login) end def execution_type delayed? ? N_('Delayed') : N_('Immediate') end def humanized { action: label, input: '', output: '' } end def cli_example '' end # returns true if the task is running or waiting to be run def pending? state != 'stopped' end alias pending pending? def resumable? false end def paused? state == 'paused' end def recurring? !recurring_logic_task_group_ids.empty? end def delayed? start_at.to_i != started_at.to_i end def self_and_parents [self].tap do |ret| ret.concat(parent_task.self_and_parents) if parent_task end end def self.search_by_generic_resource(key, operator, value) key = 'resource_type' if key.blank? key_name = connection.quote_column_name(key.sub(/^.*\./, '')) condition = sanitize_sql_for_conditions(["foreman_tasks_locks.#{key_name} #{operator} ?", value]) { :conditions => condition, :joins => :locks } end def self.search_by_owner(key, operator, value) return { :conditions => '0 = 1' } if value == 'current_user' && User.current.nil? key = 'owners.login' if key == 'user' # using uniq suffix to avoid colisions when searching by two different owners via ScopedSearch uniq_suffix = SecureRandom.hex(3) key_name = connection.quote_column_name(key.sub(/^.*\./, '')) joins = <<-SQL INNER JOIN foreman_tasks_locks AS foreman_tasks_locks_owner#{uniq_suffix} ON (foreman_tasks_locks_owner#{uniq_suffix}.task_id = AND foreman_tasks_locks_owner#{uniq_suffix}.resource_type = 'User' AND foreman_tasks_locks_owner#{uniq_suffix}.name = '#{Lock::OWNER_LOCK_NAME}') SQL if key !~ /\.id\Z/ joins << <<-SQL INNER JOIN users as users#{uniq_suffix} ON (users#{uniq_suffix}.id = foreman_tasks_locks_owner#{uniq_suffix}.resource_id) SQL end condition = if key.blank? sanitize_sql_for_conditions(["users#{uniq_suffix}.login #{operator} ? or users#{uniq_suffix}.firstname #{operator} ? ", value, value]) elsif key =~ /\.id\Z/ value = if value == 'current_user' sanitize_sql_for_conditions(["foreman_tasks_locks_owner#{uniq_suffix}.resource_id #{operator} ?", value]) else sanitize_sql_for_conditions(["users#{uniq_suffix}.#{key_name} #{operator} ?", value]) end { :conditions => condition, :joins => joins } end def progress case state.to_s when 'running', 'paused' 0.5 when 'stopped' 1 else 0 end end def self.authorized_resource_name # We don't want STI subclasses to have separate permissions 'ForemanTasks::Task' end def add_missing_task_groups(groups) groups = [groups] unless groups.is_a? Array (groups - task_groups).each { |group| task_groups << group } save! end def sub_tasks_counts result = %w[cancelled error pending success warning].inject({}) do |hash, state| hash.update(state => 0) end result.update sum = result.values.reduce(:+) if respond_to?(:main_action) && main_action.respond_to?(:total_count) result[:total] = main_action.total_count # In case of batch planning there might be some plans still unplanned (not present in database). # To get correct counts we need to add them to either: # cancelled when the parent is stopped # pending when the parent is still running. key = state == 'stopped' ? 'cancelled' : 'pending' result[key] += result[:total] - sum else result[:total] = sum end result.symbolize_keys end def to_label parts = [] parts << get_humanized(:name) parts << Array(get_humanized(:input)).map do |part| if part.is_a? Array part[1][:text] else part.to_s end end.join('; ') parts.join(' ') end protected def generate_id ||= SecureRandom.uuid end end end