### Datadog notifier This notifier sends error events to Datadog using the [Dogapi](https://github.com/DataDog/dogapi-rb) gem. #### Usage Just add the [Dogapi](https://github.com/DataDog/dogapi-rb) gem to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'dogapi' ``` To use datadog notifier, you first need to create a `Dogapi::Client` with your datadog api and application keys, like this: ```ruby client = Dogapi::Client.new(api_key, application_key) ``` You then need to set the `client` option, like this: ```ruby Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack, email: { email_prefix: "[PREFIX] ", sender_address: %{"notifier" }, exception_recipients: %w{exceptions@example.com} }, datadog: { client: client } ``` #### Options ##### client *DogApi::Client, required* The API client to send events to Datadog. ##### title_prefix *String, optional* Prefix for event title in Datadog. ##### tags *Array of Strings, optional* Optional tags for events in Datadog.