# RubySmart::SimpleLogger [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/badge/github-ruby--smart/simple_logger-blue.svg)](http://github.com/ruby-smart/simple_logger) [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-rdoc.info-blue.svg)](http://rubydoc.info/gems/ruby_smart-simple_logger) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ruby_smart-simple_logger.svg?kill_cache=1)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ruby_smart-simple_logger) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green)](docs/LICENSE.txt) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ruby-smart/simple_logger/badge.svg?branch=main&kill_cache=1)](https://coveralls.io/github/ruby-smart/simple_logger?branch=main) [![Tests](https://github.com/ruby-smart/simple_logger/actions/workflows/ruby.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ruby-smart/simple_logger/actions/workflows/ruby.yml) A simple, multifunctional logging library for Ruby (and Rails). It features a fast, customizable logging with multi-device support (e.g. log to STDOUT AND file). Special (PRE-defined) scenes can be used for interactive CLI and better logging visibility. ----- ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'ruby_smart-simple_logger' ``` And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install ruby_smart-simple_logger ----- ## Enhancements * PRE-defined scenes to fastly create a simple, structured CLI output. _(see [Scenes](#scenes))_ * Better log-visibility with masked output through scenes * `awesome_print` gem compatibility for a prettified object debug * Multi-device support (write to logfile & to STDOUT & to ... & to ...) * 'klass_logger' instances for easier access _(see [klass_logger](#klass_logger_Usage))_ ----- ## Examples ```ruby require 'simple_logger' logger = ::SimpleLogger.new logger.debug @my_custom_object, "test title" # =========================================== [test title] =========================================== # { # :a => "hash", # :with => { # :example => :data # } # } # ==================================================================================================== ``` ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:memory) logger.debug "some debug" logger.info "some info" # uses a new SUB-severity of INFO to handle with error / success logs logger.success "success called" logger.logs # => [ # [:debug, 2022-07-07 10:58:35 +0200, "some debug"], # [:info, 2022-07-07 10:58:35 +0200, "some info"], # [:success, 2022-07-07 10:58:35 +0200, "success called"] # ] ``` ```ruby require 'simple_logger' logger = ::SimpleLogger.new logger.theme "Jobs to do" logger.job_result "A custom job", true logger.job_result "A other job", "failed", false logger.job_result "Just a job", "unknown", :yellow # # Jobs to do # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - A custom job => true # - A other job => failed # - Just a job => unknown ``` ----- ## Usage You can either create your own logger instance, by calling **new** on the ::SimpleLogger class or using the logger as a **klass_logger**. ### Instance Usage ```ruby require 'simple_logger' # providing no 'builtin' parameter will auto-detect the best logging solution # - for CLI / windowed programs it'll send the logs to STDOUT. # - for rails applications it'll forward all logs to the Rails logger. # - otherwise it'll store the logs in memory logger = ::SimpleLogger.new logger.debug "some debug" logger.error "that failed ..." # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alternative_logger = ::SimpleLogger.new :memory alternative_logger.debug "some debug, just in memory logs" alternative_logger.error "that failed, also in memory logs..." # access the logs as array alternative_logger.logs # => [[:debug, 2022-07-06 14:49:40 +0200, "some debug, just in memory logs"], [:error, 2022-07-06 14:49:40 +0200, "that failed, also in memory logs..."]] # access the logs as grouped hash alternative_logger.logs_to_h #=> {:debug=>["some debug, just in memory logs"], :error=>["that failed, also in memory logs..."]} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- multi_logger = ::SimpleLogger.new :memory, :stdout, clr: true, format: :default multi_logger.debug "some debug, sent to stdout & memory" # > D, [2023-02-15T10:22:45.030758 #13397] DEBUG -- : some debug, sent to stdout & memory # access the logs as array multi_logger.logs # => [[:debug, 2023-02-15T10:22:45 +0200, "some debug, sent to stdout & memory"]] ``` _You can also create a new instance from every klass_logger Object (see below)._ ### klass_logger Usage Instead of creating a new instance you can also create klass_logger on every module by simply extending the `::SimpleLogger::KlassLogger` module. ```ruby module MyCustomLogger extend ::RubySmart::SimpleLogger::KlassLogger self.klass_logger_opts = {builtin: :stdout, clr: true} end MyCustomLogger.debug "some debug" MyCustomLogger.error "that failed ...", "It's an error title for better visibility" MyCustomLogger.theme "My Theme" # log directly to a customized logfile - created through the builtin module name MyCustomLogger.klass_logger_opts = {builtin: MyApp::Tasks::SpecialTask} MyCustomLogger.info "Very nice here" # => creates a logfile @ log/my_app/tasks/special_task.log ``` This is already done for the `SimpleLogger` _(or `Debugger`)_ module - so you can directly access the methods: ```ruby require 'simple_logger' SimpleLogger.debug "some debug" SimpleLogger.error "that failed ..." # resetting options SimpleLogger.klass_logger_opts = {builtin: :memory, stdout: false} SimpleLogger.debug "some other debug in memory only ..." SimpleLogger.logs # create new logger from current SimpleLogger module # this will also use the current 'klass_logger_opts', if no other opts are provided ... other_logger = SimpleLogger.new other_logger.debug "some other debug in memory only ..." # create new logger, but don't use 'klass_logger_opts' - instead pipe to the rails logger other_logger2 = SimpleLogger.new :rails, :stdout other_logger2.info "directly logs to the rails logger" other_logger2.info "and also to STDOUT" ``` Alternatives with already build 'Debugger': ```ruby require 'ruby_smart-debugger' Debugger.debug "some debug" Debugger.error "that failed ..." ``` ----- ## Builtins While you can just build a new logger _(or use the klass_logger)_ without any arguments, you can also create a new one with builtins. ### nil Builtin A `nil` builtin will auto-detect the best logging solution for you: * For CLI or windowed programs it'll just send the logs to `STDOUT`. * For Debugging _(e.g. IDE-related debugging gems)_ it'll send the logs to the `Debugger`. * For rails-applications it'll send to the current `Rails.logger` instance. * Otherwise it'll store logs temporary in memory _(accessible through the #logs method)_ **Example:** ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new logger.debug "some debug" ``` ### stdout / stderr Builtin A `:stdout / :stderr` builtin will send to `STDOUT / STDERR` and uses a colored output by default. **Example:** ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout) # creates a nice debug output (by default) # ============================================== [Debug] ============================================= # "some debug" # ==================================================================================================== logger.debug "some debug" ``` ### debugger Builtin A `:debugger` builtin will send to the `Debugger` (e.g. your IDE's debugging gem) **Example:** ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:debugger) # > will be shown within your debugging gem logger.debug "some debug" ``` ### null Builtin A `:null` builtin will silently swallow all logging data (so it will not be send). **Example:** ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:null) # > logger.debug "some debug" ``` ### rails Builtin A `:rails` builtin will always send to the `Rails.logger` instance. **Example:** ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:rails) # sends data to the Rails.logger logger.debug "some debug" ``` ### proc Builtin A `:proc` builtin will call the provided proc _(through `options[:proc]```)_ everytime a log will be written. The data will be provided as array _( `[severity, time, progname, data]` )_. **Example:** ```ruby proc = lambda{|data| puts "---> #{data[0]} | #{data[3]} <---"} logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:proc, proc: proc) # calls the proc with data-array # => ---> DEBUG | some debug <--- logger.debug "some debug" ``` ### memory Builtin A `:memory` builtin will always store the logged data within an _instance variable_ and can be accessed through the `#logs` or `#logs_to_h` methods. **Example:** ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:memory) logger.debug "some debug" logger.info "some info" # uses a new SUB-severity of INFO to handle with error / success logs logger.success "success called" logger.logs # => [ # [:debug, 2022-07-07 10:58:35 +0200, "some debug"], # [:info, 2022-07-07 10:58:35 +0200, "some info"], # [:success, 2022-07-07 10:58:35 +0200, "success called"] # ] ``` ### String Builtin Providing a `String` will always create and write to a new logfile. **Example:** ```ruby # creates a new logfile @ log/a_custom/logfile.log # IMPORTANT: I'll also create a colored, masked output by default and uses the awesome_print pretty debug... # # # Logfile created on 2022-07-07 11:01:27 +0200 by logger.rb/66358 # [1;34m============================================== [Debug] ============================================= # [0;33m"some debug" # [1;34m==================================================================================================== logger = ::SimpleLogger.new('a_custom/logfile.log') logger.debug "some debug" # creates a new logfile @ log/a_custom/other_logfile.log # Does NOT create a colored output and prevent inspection (e.g. by awesome_print) # # Logfile created on 2022-07-07 11:04:17 +0200 by logger.rb/66358 # ============================================== [Debug] ============================================= # some debug without color, but with mask # ==================================================================================================== other_logger = ::SimpleLogger.new('a_custom/other_logfile.log', clr: false, inspect: false) other_logger.debug "some debug without color, but with mask" # creates a new logfile @ log/a_custom/noformat_logfile.log # Prevents logs with masks (or other payloads) # # # Logfile created on 2022-07-07 11:34:38 +0200 by logger.rb/66358 # D, [2022-07-07T11:34:39.056395 #23253] DEBUG -- : some debug without color and mask - uses the default format noformat_logger = ::SimpleLogger.new('a_custom/noformat_logfile.log', format: :default, payload: false) noformat_logger.debug "some debug without color and mask - uses the default format" ``` ### Module Builtin Providing a `module` will also create and write to a new logfile. The path depends on the provided module name. **Example:** ```ruby # creates a new logfile @ log/users/jobs/import.log # IMPORTANT: I'll also create a colored, masked output by default and uses the awesome_print pretty debug... # # # Logfile created on 2022-07-07 11:01:27 +0200 by logger.rb/66358 # [1;34m============================================== [Debug] ============================================= # [0;33m"some debug" # [1;34m==================================================================================================== logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(Users::Jobs::Import) logger.debug "some debug" ``` ### other Builtin Providing any other Object must respond to `#write```. ----- ## Formats The default formatter _(if no other was provided through `opts[:formatter```)_ will provide the following PRE-defined formats: _Also prints a colored output by default._ ### default Format The **default** format equals the Ruby's Formatter - by default also prints a colored output: ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, format: :default, payload: false) # D, [2022-07-07T12:22:16.364920 #27527] DEBUG -- : debug message logger.debug "debug message" ``` ### passthrough Format The **passthrough** format is mostly used to just 'passthrough' all args to the device _(proc, memory, file, etc.)_ without formatting anything. This will simply provide an array of args. _Using this format will prevent **newlines** and does not recognize the `:nl` / `:clr` option._ ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, format: :passthrough, payload: false) # ["DEBUG", 2022-07-07 12:25:59 +0200, nil, "debug message"] logger.debug "debug message" ``` ### plain Format The **plain** format is only used to forward the provided **data**, without severity, time, etc. This is the default behaviour of the SimpleLogger - which is used to build `scene`, masks, ... _Using this format will prevent **newlines** and does not recognize the `:nl` / `:clr` option._ ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, format: :plain, payload: false) # debug message logger.debug "debug message" # with payload payload_logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, format: :plain) # ============================================== [Debug] ============================================= # "debug message" # ==================================================================================================== payload_logger.debug "debug message" ``` ### memory Format The **memory** format is only used by the memory-device to store severity, time & data as an array. _Using this format will prevent **newlines** and does not recognize the `:nl` / `:clr` option._ ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, format: :memory, payload: false) # [:debug, 2022-07-07 12:31:19 +0200, "debug message"] logger.debug "debug message" ``` ### datalog Format The **datalog** format is used to store every log in a structured data. For datalogs the colored output should also be disabled! ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, format: :datalog, payload: false, clr: false) # [ DEBUG] [2022-07-07 12:31:43] [#27527] [debug message] logger.debug "debug message" ``` ----- ## Options Independent of the **builtins** you can still provide custom options for the logger: ### device Provide a custom device. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(device: @my_custom_device) # same like above logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(@my_custom_device) ``` ### clr Disable colored output. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(clr: false) logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, clr: false) ``` ### payload Disable payloads _(from scenes)_. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(payload: false) logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, payload: false) ``` ### format Provide a other format. Possible values: `:default, :passthrough, :plain, :memory, :datalog``` ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(format: :default) logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:memory, format: :passthrough) ``` ### nl Enable / disable NewLine for formatter. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(format: :default, nl: false, payload: false, clr: false) logger.debug "debug 1" logger.debug "debug 2" # D, [2022-07-07T13:42:25.323359 #32139] DEBUG -- : debug 1D, [2022-07-07T13:42:25.323501 #32139] DEBUG -- : debug 2 ``` ### proc _(:proc-builtin ONLY)_ Provide a callback for the `:proc` builtin. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:proc, proc: lambda{|data| ... }) ``` ### stdout _(:memory & Module-builtin ONLY)_ Enable STDOUT as MultiDevice for the memory builtin. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(:memory, stdout: true) # same as above logger = ::SimpleLogger.new( ::SimpleLogger::Devices::MultiDevice.new. register(::SimpleLogger::Devices::MemoryDevice.new, ::SimpleLogger::Formatter.new(format: :memory)). register(STDOUT, ::SimpleLogger::Formatter.new(format: :default, nl: true, clr: opts[:clr])) ) ``` ### mask Provide custom mask options. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(mask: { char: '#', length: 50, clr: :purple }) logger.debug "debug text" # ##################### [Debug] #################### # "debug text" # ################################################## ``` ### level Change the severity level. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(level: :info) logger.debug "debug text" # => false logger.info "info text" # ============================================== [Info] ============================================== # info text # ==================================================================================================== ``` ### formatter Provide a custom formatter instance. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(formatter: My::Custom::Formatter.new) ``` ### inspect Disable inspect for logger ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(inspect: false) logger.debug({a: {custom: 'object'}}) # {:a => { :custom => "object" } } ``` ### inspector Provide a other `inspector` method for the data-debug. ```ruby logger = ::SimpleLogger.new(inspector: :to_s) logger.debug({ a: 1, b: 2 }) # some debug without inspector # ============================================== [Debug] ============================================= # {:a=>1, :b=>2} # ==================================================================================================== ``` ## _defaults_ Device default options are still available: `shift_age, shift_size, progname, datetime_format, shift_period_suffix, binmode``` ----- ## Scenes The following PRE-defined scenes are available. _(You can define your own scenes by using the class method `.scene```)_ ### debug(data, subject = 'Debug') ```ruby # debug method # severity: debug # prints: prettified data by using the 'inspect' method # # > ================================================= [Debug] ================================================ # > "DEBUGGED DATA" <- analyzed by awesome_print#ai method # > ========================================================================================================== ``` ### info, warn, error, fatal, unknown, success (data, subject = 'name') ```ruby # info method (BASE) # severity: methods name # prints: enclosed data # # > ================================================= [Info] ================================================= # > DATA # > ========================================================================================================== ``` ### header(subject) ```ruby # header method # severity: debug # prints: prettified subject # # > =========================================================================================================== # > ================================================ ================================================ # > =========================================================================================================== ``` ### footer(subject) ```ruby # footer method # severity: debug # prints: prettified subject # # > =========================================================================================================== # > ================================================ >Subject< ================================================ # > =========================================================================================================== ``` ### topic(subject) ```ruby # topic method # severity: debug # prints: prettified subject # # > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # > #----------------------------------- Subject ----------------------------------# ``` ### theme(subject) ```ruby # theme method # severity: debug # prints: prettified, colored subject # # > # Subject # > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ``` ### theme_result(result, status = nil) ```ruby # theme_result method # severity: debug # prints: prettified, colored result # # > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # > -> Result # > ``` ### theme_line ```ruby # theme_line method # severity: debug # prints: colored line with no text # # > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ``` ### desc(description) ```ruby # desc method # severity: debug # prints: colored text # # > "description" # > ``` ### job(name) ```ruby # job method # severity: debug # prints: colored line with job name (on inline formatter it prevents a line-break) # calls the result method if a block was provided # # > - Job name => # ________________________________________________________________ <- 64 chars ``` ### sub_job(name) ```ruby # sub_job method # severity: debug # prints: line with job name (on inline formatter it prevents a line-break) # calls the result method if a block was provided # # > * Subjob name => # ______________________________________________________________ <- 62 chars ``` ### result(result, status = nil) ```ruby # result method # severity: debug # prints: colored result # # > Result ``` ### job_result(name, result, status = nil) ```ruby # job_result method # severity: debug # prints: job with combined colored result # # > - Job name => Result ``` ### sub_job_result(name, result, status = nil) ```ruby # sub_job_result method # severity: debug # prints: sub_job with combined colored result # # > * Subjob name => Result ``` ### spec(status) ```ruby # spec method # severity: debug # prints: colored spec result string - depending on the status (on inline formatter it prevents a line-break) # # true => . (green) # false => F (red) # "other" => ? (yellow) # # > .FFF...??...F....F...F..???....F...?? ``` ### progress(name, perc) ```ruby # progress method # severity: debug # prints: colored progress indicator # # > - Progress of Step 0 [ 0%] >------------------------------------------------- # > - Progress of Step 1 [ 40%] ===================>------------------------------ # # ________________________________________________ <- 48 chars # 50 chars -> __________________________________________________ ``` ### processed(name, opts) ```ruby require 'simple_logger' l = SimpleLogger.new(:stdout, payload: false) l.processed("Process Alpha", timer: true) do l.info "find files" l.info "found 34 files" l.processed("extracting ...", timer: true) do l.info "10% done" l.info "20% done" l.info "100% done" # returns true to the processed state true end l.processed("transforming ...") do l.error "bad memory" l.info "rolling back" # returns false to the processed state false end # returns nil to the processed state nil end # ╔ START ❯ Process Alpha # ╟ find files # ╟ found 34 files # ║ ┌ START ❯ extracting ... # ║ ├ 10% done # ║ ├ 20% done # ║ ├ 100% done # ║ └ END ❯ extracting ... [SUCCESS] (0.000244804) # ║ ┌ START ❯ transforming ... # ║ ├ bad memory # ║ ├ rolling back # ║ └ END ❯ transforming ... [FAIL] # ╚ END ❯ Process Alpha (0.001036969) ``` ### _other useful methods_ - line - print - nl - model _(rails only)_ ----- ## Docs [CHANGELOG](docs/CHANGELOG.md) ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on [GitHub](https://github.com/ruby-smart/simple_logger). This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). A copy of the [LICENSE](LICENSE.txt) can be found @ the docs. ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [CODE OF CONDUCT](docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).