require 'optparse' def default_options { "server_host" => '', "server_port" => "8282", "local_host" => '', "tls" => false, "verbose" => false, "version" => Envoy::VERSION, "delay" => 1, "dir" => "." } end def parse_options options = default_options do |op| op.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options] [[HOST:]PORT]" op.on "--host HOST", "Allocate this domain label on the proxy" do |v| options["hosts"] ||= [] options["hosts"] << v end op.on "-k", "--key KEY" do |v| options["key"] = v end op.on "-t", "--[no-]tls", "Encrypt communications with the envoy server" do |v| options["tls"] = v end op.on "-s", "--server SERVER", "Specify envoy/proxylocal server" do |v| host, port = v.split(":") options["server_host"] = host options["server_port"] ||= port end op.on "-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Be noisy about what's happening" do |v| options["verbose"] = v end op.on "--no-log", "Don't show HTTP log" do |v| options["log"] = false end op.on "l", "--log FILE", "Write HTTP log to this file" do |v| options["log"] = v end op.on "-h", "--help", "Show this message" do puts op exit end op.on "--version" do puts Envoy::VERSION exit end op.parse! case ARGV[0] when /^(\d+)$/ options["local_port"] = $1 when /^(\[[^\]+]\]|[^:]+):(\d+)$/x options["local_host"] = $1 options["local_port"] = $2 when /^(.*)$/ options["local_host"] = $1 end end options end