0.3.0 - 09/09/2015 Fix CDATA errors 0.2.0 - 32/03/2015 Remove warnings in ruby 2.2 Support for custom html templates Disable remove_http_protocol by default in the middleware 0.1.2 - 04/09/2014 Preserve custom attributes similar to simple attributes, such as ng-disabled (fixes #12) 0.1.1 - 08/05/2014 Remove type=text/css from style elements (fixes #15) 0.1.0 - 05/05/2014 Do not depend on yui Allow other javascript and css minifier (yui/closuer by default) 0.0.7 - 08/07/2013 Rack: use content.bytesize over content.length Minor fixes to README 0.0.6 - 19/04/2013 Switch to POSIX "bracket expression" from \p{Blank} to provide better ruby compatibility Minor fixes to README 0.0.5 - 31/01/2013 Safer rack default options: remove_intertag_spaces => false README more clear 0.0.4 - 16/01/2013 Preserve empty textarea (issue #3) 0.0.3 - 18/05/2012 Added customizable options to rack middlewar 0.0.2 First realase