require 'spec_helper' require 'synchromesh/integration/test_components' require 'reactive_record/factory' require 'rspec-steps' RSpec::Steps.steps "updating associations", js: true do before(:all) do seed_database end before(:step) do # spec_helper resets the policy system after each test so we have to setup # before each test stub_const 'TestApplication', stub_const 'TestApplicationPolicy', TestApplicationPolicy.class_eval do always_allow_connection regulate_all_broadcasts { |policy| policy.send_all } allow_change(to: :all, on: [:create, :update, :destroy]) { true } end size_window(:small, :portrait) end it "a new model will have empty has_many assocation" do expect_evaluate_ruby do{first_name: "Jon", last_name: "Weaver"}) User.find_by_first_name("Jon").todo_items.all be_empty end it "the push operator returns the collection" do expect_evaluate_ruby do jon = User.find_by_first_name("Jon") result = (jon.todo_items << (item ={title: "Jon's first todo!"}))) result == jon.todo_items be_truthy end it "the push operator adds 1 to the count" do expect_evaluate_ruby do User.find_by_first_name("Jon").todo_items.count be(1) end it "will persist the new has_many association" do evaluate_ruby do User.find_by_first_name("Jon").save end wait_for { User.find_by_first_name("Jon").todo_items.count rescue nil }.to eq(1) end it "and will reconstruct the association and values on reloading" do expect_promise do React::IsomorphicHelpers.load_context ReactiveRecord.load do User.find_by_first_name("Jon").todo_items.collect { | todo | todo.title } end eq(["Jon's first todo!"]) end it "the inverse belongs_to association will be set" do expect_evaluate_ruby do todo = TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!") todo.user.first_name eq("Jon") end it "a model can be moved to a new owner, and will be removed from the old owner" do expect_evaluate_ruby do TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").user ={first_name: "Jan", last_name: "VanDuyn"}) User.find_by_first_name("Jon").todo_items.all be_empty end it "and will belong to the new owner" do expect_evaluate_ruby do User.find_by_first_name("Jan").todo_items.all == [TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!")] be_truthy end it "and can be saved and it will remember its new owner" do evaluate_ruby do TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").save end wait_for { TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").user.first_name rescue nil }.to eq('Jan') end it "and after saving will have been removed from original owners association" do expect(User.find_by_first_name("Jon").todo_items).to be_empty end it "a belongs to association can be set to nil and the model saved" do expect_promise do React::IsomorphicHelpers.load_context ReactiveRecord.load do TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").tap { | todo | todo.user } end.then do | todo | todo.user = nil end.then do | response | response[:success] end be_truthy end it "and it will update on the server" do expect(TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").user).to be_nil end it "and will not belong to the previous owner anymore" do expect_promise do React::IsomorphicHelpers.load_context ReactiveRecord.load do User.find_by_first_name("Jan").todo_items.count end be(0) end it "but can be reassigned to the previous owner" do expect_promise do ReactiveRecord.load do TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").tap { | todo | todo.user } end.then do | todo | todo.user = User.find_by_first_name("Jan") end.then do | response | response[:success] end be_truthy end it "and it will update the server on saving" do expect(TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").user.first_name).to eq('Jan') end it "and a model in a belongs_to relationship can be deleted" do expect_promise do ReactiveRecord.load do User.find_by_first_name("Jan").todo_items.collect { |item| item.itself }.first end.then do | first | first.destroy.then do |response| User.find_by_first_name("Jan").todo_items.all end end be_empty end it "will update the server properly" do expect(User.find_by_first_name("Jan").todo_items).to be_empty end it "and it won't exist after being destroyed" do expect_promise do React::IsomorphicHelpers.load_context ReactiveRecord.load do TodoItem.find_by_title("Jon's first todo!").id end be_nil end it "an item in a belongs_to relationship can be created without belonging to anybody" do expect_promise do{title: "round to it"}).save be_truthy end it "and can be reloaded" do expect_promise do React::IsomorphicHelpers.load_context ReactiveRecord.load do TodoItem.find_by_title("round to it").id.to_i end eq(TodoItem.find_by_title("round to it").id) end it "and can be deleted" do expect_promise do TodoItem.find_by_title("round to it").destroy.then do TodoItem.find_by_title("round to it").destroyed? end be_truthy end it "and it will be won't exist the server" do expect(TodoItem.find_by_title('round to it')).to be_nil end end