require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'base64' require 'dragonfly/job/step' require 'addressable/uri' module Dragonfly class Job class FetchUrl < Step class ErrorResponse < RuntimeError def initialize(status, body) @status, @body = status, body end attr_reader :status, :body end class CannotHandle < RuntimeError; end class TooManyRedirects < RuntimeError; end class BadURI < RuntimeError; end def init = filename end def uri args.first end def url @url ||= uri =~ /\A\w+:[^\d]/ ? uri : "http://#{uri}" end def filename return if data_uri? @filename ||= parse_url(url).path[/[^\/]+\z/] end def data_uri? uri =~ /\Adata:/ end def apply if data_uri? update_from_data_uri else data = get_following_redirects(url) job.content.update(data, 'name' => filename) end end private def get_following_redirects(url, redirect_limit=10) raise TooManyRedirects, "url #{url} redirected too many times" if redirect_limit == 0 response = get(url) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then response.body || "" when Net::HTTPRedirection then get_following_redirects(response['location'], redirect_limit-1) else response.error! end rescue Net::HTTPExceptions => e raise, e.response.body) end def get(url) url = parse_url(url) http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true if url.scheme == 'https' response = http.get(url.request_uri) end def update_from_data_uri mime_type, b64_data = uri.scan(/\Adata:([^;]+);base64,(.*)$/)[0] if mime_type && b64_data data = Base64.decode64(b64_data) ext = app.ext_for(mime_type) job.content.update(data, 'name' => "file.#{ext}") else raise CannotHandle, "fetch_url can only deal with base64-encoded data uris with specified content type" end end def parse_url(url) URI.parse(url) rescue URI::InvalidURIError begin encoded_uri = Addressable::URI.parse(url).normalize.to_s URI.parse(encoded_uri) rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError => e raise BadURI, e.message rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e raise BadURI, e.message end end end end end