class Marty::RpcCall # POST to a remote marty def self.marty_post(host, port, path, script, node, attrs, params, options = {}, ssl = false) http =, port) # FIXME: in 5.2.0 put ssl in options hash http.use_ssl = ssl http.read_timeout = options[:read_timeout] if options[:read_timeout] request = request.add_field('Content-Type', 'application/json') request.body = { 'script' => script, 'node' => node, 'attrs' => attrs.to_json, 'params' => params.to_json, }.to_json begin response = http.request(request) rescue StandardError => e raise "#{e.message} during RPC call to #{host}:#{port}" end res = JSON.parse(response.body) raise res['error'] if res.is_a?(Hash) && !res['error'].blank? res end def self.marty_download( host, port, path, job_id, ssl = false, read_timeout = 60 ) params = { job_id: job_id } url = path + '?' + URI.encode(URI.encode_www_form(params)) http =, port) http.use_ssl = ssl http.read_timeout = read_timeout request = begin http.request(request) rescue StandardError => e raise "#{e.message} during download call to #{host}:#{port}" end end # FIXME: in Marty 5.2.0 put ssl in options hash def self.xml_call(host, port, path, body, use_ssl, options = {}) http =, port) request = http.use_ssl = use_ssl http.read_timeout = options[:read_timeout] if options[:read_timeout] request.add_field('Content-Type', 'xml') request.add_field('Accept', 'xml') request.body = body begin response = http.request(request) raise "got #{response} during XML call" if response.class != Net::HTTPOK rescue StandardError => e raise "#{e.message} during RPC call to #{host}:#{port}#{path}" end response.body end end