#-- # =============================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007,2008 Christopher Kleckner # All rights reserved # # This file is part of the Rio library for ruby. # # Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # =============================================================================== #++ # # To create the documentation for Rio run the command # ruby build_doc.rb # from the distribution directory. # # Suggested Reading # * RIO::Doc::SYNOPSIS # * RIO::Doc::INTRO # * RIO::Doc::HOWTO # * RIO::Doc::EXAMPLES # * RIO::Rio # require 'rio/exception/notsupported' require 'rio/ios/mode' module RIO module IOS #:nodoc: all module Methods end end end module RIO module IOS #:nodoc: all module Exception class NotDuplex < RIO::Exception::Base end end end end module RIO module IOS #:nodoc: all class Null #:nodoc: all def initialize(el=nil,m='r') @lineno = 0 @open = true @mode = Mode.new(m) @pos = 0 end require 'rio/ios/fail' include Fail def <<(obj) self end def binmode() self end def close() @open = false end def close_read() raise Exception::NotDuplex end def close_write() raise Exception::NotDuplex end def closed?() not @open end def each(sep_string=$/,&block) self end def each_line(sep_string=$/,&block) self end def each_byte(sep_string=$/,&block) self end def eof?() true end #def fcntl(integer_cmd,arg) notsupported(:fcntl) end #def fileno() notsupported(:fileno) end #def to_i() notsupported(:to_i) end def flush() nil end def fsync() nil end def getc() nil end def gets(sep_string=$/) nil end #def ioctl(integer_cmd,arg) notsupported(:ioctl) end def tty?() false end def isatty() tty? end def lineno() @lineno end def lineno=(a) @lineno = a; lineno() end #def pid() notsupported(:pid) end def pos() 0 end def tell() pos() end def pos=(v) @pos = v; pos end def print(*objs) nil end def printf(format,*objs) nil end def putc(obj) nil end def puts(*objs) nil end def read(length=nil,*args) length.nil? ? "" : nil end def readchar() raise EOFError end def readline(sep_string=$/) raise EOFError end def readlines(sep_string=$/) [] end def readpartial(maxlen,*args) raise EOFError end def reopen(*args) self end def rewind() 0 end def seek(amount,whence) 0 end #def stat() notsupported(:stat) end #def sync() notsupported(:sync) end #def sync=(v) notsupported(:sync=) end #def sysread() notsupported(:sysread) end #def sysseek() notsupported(:sysseek) end #def syswrite() notsupported(:syswrite) end #def ungetc() notsupported(:ungetc) end def write(str) str.length end def callstr(func,*args) self.class.to_s+'['+self.to_s+']'+'.'+func.to_s+'('+args.join(',')+')' end end end end