require 'rbbt/util/misc' require 'rbbt/rest/entity/list' module Entity module REST USE_ENSEMBL = true REST_ENTITIES = def self.included(base) REST_ENTITIES << base end #{{{ MISC def self.clean_element(elem) elem.gsub('/', '--').gsub('%', 'o-o') end def self.restore_element(elem) CGI.unescape(CGI.unescape(elem.gsub('--', '/').gsub('o-o', '%'))) end def entity_link_params info = info.delete :format info.delete :annotation_types info.delete :annotated_array info end def base_type{|mod| mod.include? Entity::REST }.first.to_s end def klasses klasses = [] klasses << base_type.to_s if base_type klasses << format if self.respond_to? :format and format klasses.collect{|klass| klass.gsub(/[^\w]/, '_') } end def entity_type entity_type = self.respond_to?(:format) ? [base_type, format].compact.join(":") : base_type end def process_link_options(options = {}, include_entity_params = true) attributes = {} link_params = include_entity_params ? entity_link_params : {} %w(class style title).each do |at| attributes[at.to_sym] = options.delete(at.to_sym) || options.delete(at.to_s) || nil end attributes[:class] = attributes[:class].split(" ") if String === attributes[:class] attributes[:class] = [] if attributes[:class].nil? link_params = link_params.merge(options) [attributes, link_params] end #{{{ URLS def self.entity_url(entity, type = nil, params = nil) if type.nil? type = entity.annotation_types.last.to_s type << ":" << entity.format if entity.respond_to? :format and entity.format end if params.nil? if entity.respond_to? :entity_link_params params = entity.entity_link_params else params = entity.respond_to?(:info) ? : {} end end url = File.join('/', 'entity', Entity::REST.clean_element(type.to_s), entity) url << "?" << Misc.hash2GET_params(params) if params.any? url end def self.entity_action_url(entity, type, action, params = {}) url = File.join('/', 'entity_action', Entity::REST.clean_element(type.to_s), action.to_s, entity) url << "?" << Misc.hash2GET_params(params) if params.any? url end def self.entity_list_url(list, type) File.join('/', 'entity_list', Entity::REST.clean_element(type.to_s), Entity::REST.clean_element(list)) end def self.entity_list_action_url(list, type, action, params) url = File.join('/', 'entity_list_action', Entity::REST.clean_element(type.to_s), action.to_s, Entity::REST.clean_element(list)) url << "?" << Misc.hash2GET_params(params) if params.any? url end def self.entity_map_url(map, type, column) type = Entity::REST.clean_element(type.to_s) column = Entity::REST.clean_element(column) map = Entity::REST.clean_element(map) File.join('/', 'entity_map', type, column, map) end def self.entity_map_action_url(map, type, column, action) type = Entity::REST.clean_element(type.to_s) column = Entity::REST.clean_element(column) map = Entity::REST.clean_element(map) File.join('/', 'entity_map_action', type, column, action, map) end #{{{ LINKS def link(text = nil, options = {}) #return self.tap{|a| a.extend AnnotatedArray}.collect{|e|, options) } if Array === self return self.collect{|e|, options) } if Array === self return self.split(";").collect{|e| self.annotate(e).link(text, options) } * ", " if self.include? ";" return nil if self.empty? klasses = self.klasses klasses << 'entity' attributes, link_params = process_link_options(options) attributes[:class] << klasses attributes[:href] = Entity::REST.entity_url(self, entity_type.to_s, link_params) attributes["attr-entity_id"] = self.to_s attributes["data-entity-type"] = self.base_type attributes["data-entity"] = self.to_s attributes["data-entity-id"] = self.respond_to?(:default)? self.default || self.to_s : self.to_s begin text = self.respond_to?(:name)? || self : self if text.nil? rescue text = self end attributes[:title] = text if attributes[:title].nil? Misc.html_tag('a', text, attributes) end def action_link(action, text = nil, options = {}) return self.collect{|e|, text) } if Array === self klasses = self.klasses klasses << 'entity_action' attributes, link_params = process_link_options({:title => [action, self] * ": " }.merge(options)) attributes[:class] << klasses attributes[:href] = Entity::REST.entity_action_url(self, entity_type.to_s, action, link_params) if text.nil? or (String === text and text.empty?) text = self.respond_to?(:name)? || self : self if text.nil? text = [text, action] * "→" end Misc.html_tag('a', text, attributes) end def list_link(text = nil, id = nil, options = {}) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :ensembl => USE_ENSEMBL ensembl = Misc.process_options options, :ensembl if ensembl and self.respond_to? :ensembl and self.format !~ /^Ensembl / return self.ensembl.compact.uniq.list_link(text, id, options.merge({:ensembl => false})) end text = self.length if text.nil? or text == :length or (String === text and text.strip.empty?) id = options[:id] || Misc.digest((self * "|").inspect) if id.nil? or (String === id and id.empty?) reuse = options.delete(:reuse) reuse = options.delete("reuse") if reuse.nil? reuse = true if reuse.nil? Entity::List.save_list(entity_type.to_s, id, self) unless reuse and File.exists?(Entity::List.list_file(entity_type.to_s, id, self)) klasses = self.klasses klasses << 'entity_list' attributes, link_params = process_link_options(options) attributes[:class] ||= '' attributes[:class] << klasses attributes[:href] = Entity::REST.entity_list_url(id, entity_type.to_s) attributes[:title] = id Misc.html_tag('a', text, attributes) end def list_action_link(action, text = nil, id = nil, options = {}) id = options[:id] || Misc.digest((self * "|").inspect) if id.nil? or (String === id and id.empty?) text = [id, action] * "→" if text.nil? or (String === text and text.strip.empty?) reuse = options.delete(:reuse) reuse = options.delete("reuse") if reuse.nil? reuse = true if reuse.nil? Entity::List.save_list(entity_type.to_s, id, self) unless reuse and File.exists? Entity::List.list_file(entity_type.to_s, id, self) klasses = self.klasses klasses << 'entity_list_action' attributes, link_params = process_link_options({:title => [action, id] * ": " }.merge(options), false) attributes[:class] ||= '' attributes[:class] << klasses attributes[:href] = Entity::REST.entity_list_action_url(id, entity_type.to_s, action, link_params) attributes[:title] = id if attributes[:title].nil? Misc.html_tag('a', text, attributes) end end end