%div#lists.element %h2.element-title Lists .markup %h3 Unordered List %ul %li Apple %li Pear %li Banana %li Orange %li Carrot .markup %h3 Ordered List %ol %li First %li Second %li Third %li Fourth .markup %h3 Definition List %dl %dt Definition List Title %dd This is a definition list division. %dt Inkscape %dd Open Source vector graphics editor %dt SVG %dd Scalable Vector Graphics %dd W3C standard %dt GIMP %dd GNU Image Manipulation Program %dt Drupal %dd Content Management System .markup %h3 Nested lists %ol %li one, two %ol %li buckle my shoe %li three, four %ol %li knock at the door %li Five, six %ol %li pick up sticks %li Seven, eight, lay them straight %ol %li Nine, ten, a big fat hen %li Eleven, twelve, dig and delve %li Thirteen, fourteen, maids a’courting %li Fifteen, sixteen, maids in the kitchen %li Seventeen, eighteen, maids a’waiting %li Nineteen, twenty, my platter’s empty …