@mysql_5.x Feature: mysql 5.x v2 or v4 promote operations test Tests the RightScale premium ServerTemplate Scenario: Setup 2 server deployment and run basic cluster failover operations # # PHASE 1) Bootstrap and test promote # Given A MySQL deployment Then I should stop the servers Then I should set a variation lineage Then I should set a variation stripe count of "1" Then I should set a variation MySQL DNS Then I should launch all servers Then I should wait for the state of "all" servers to be "booting" Then I should wait for the state of "all" servers to be "operational" Then I should test promotion operations on the deployment Then I should run mysql checks # Then I should run mysqlslap stress test Then I should check that ulimit was set correctly Then I should check that monitoring is enabled # # PHASE 2) Reboot # Then I should test reboot operations on the deployment # # PHASE 3) Additional Tests # Then I should run a restore using OPT_DB_RESTORE_TIMESTAMP_OVERRIDE