class TerraspaceBundler::Exporter::Stacks class Rewrite < Base def initialize(stack) @stack = stack end def run expr = "#{@stack.dest}/*.tf" Dir.glob(expr).each do |path| next unless File.file?(path) # skip symlinks and dirs replace(path) end end def replace(path) lines = IO.readlines(path) new_lines = new_lines(lines) text = new_lines.join('') IO.write(path, text) end def new_lines(lines) do |line| # leading spaces or no space. but cannot have any other chars # can have space betweens source and = line =~ /^\s*source\s*=/ ? new_line(line) : line end end def new_line(line) # marker comment so files dont get updated twice when purge is false terraspace_comment = "# updated by terraspace" return line unless line.include?("../") return line if line.include?(terraspace_comment) md = line.match(/^\s*source\s*=\s*"(.*)?"/) unless md logger.error "ERROR: unable to find the module source".color(:red) logger.error line exit 1 end # Lots of cases covered by specs # # ../.. # ../../ # ../../modules/iam-user # ../../../modules/compute_instance # source_value = md[1] # IE: ""../../../modules/compute_instance" dirs = source_value.split('/') count = dirs.count('..') mod_dir = dirs[count..-1].join('/') full_dir = [, mod_dir].reject(&:empty?).join('/') %Q| source = "../../modules/#{full_dir}" #{terraspace_comment}\n| end end end