STELLA_LIB_HOME = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) unless defined?(STELLA_LIB_HOME) %w{attic hexoid storable sysinfo gibbler benelux}.each do |dir| $:.unshift File.join(STELLA_LIB_HOME, '..', '..', dir, 'lib') end autoload :SysInfo, 'sysinfo' autoload :Drydock, 'drydock' autoload :URI, 'uri' autoload :OpenStruct, 'ostruct' autoload :Storable, 'storable' autoload :Attic, 'attic' autoload :ERB, 'erb' require 'gibbler/aliases' # important for run time digests and freezes require 'benelux' require 'proc_source' module Stella module VERSION unless defined?(MAJOR) MAJOR = 0.freeze MINOR = 7.freeze TINY = 6.freeze PATCH = '007'.freeze end def self.to_s; [MAJOR, MINOR, TINY].join('.'); end def self.to_f; self.to_s.to_f; end def self.patch; PATCH; end end end module Stella class Error < RuntimeError def initialize(obj=nil); @obj = obj; end def message; @obj; end end class WackyRatio < Stella::Error; end class WackyDuration < Stella::Error; end class InvalidOption < Stella::Error; end class NoHostDefined < Stella::Error; end end module Stella extend self require 'stella/logger' START_TIME = @globals = {} @sysinfo = nil @debug = false @abort = false @quiet = false @log = @stdout = STDOUT class << self attr_accessor :log, :stdout end def le(*msg); " " << msg.join("#{$/} ").color(:red); end def ld(*msg) return unless Stella.debug? prefix = "D(#{Thread.current.object_id}): " "#{prefix}" << msg.join("#{$/}#{prefix}") end def sysinfo @sysinfo = if @sysinfo.nil? @sysinfo end def debug?() @debug == true end def enable_debug() @debug = true end def disable_debug() @debug = false end def abort?() @abort == true end def abort!() @abort = true end def quiet?() @quiet == true end def enable_quiet() @quiet = true end def disable_quiet() @quiet = false end def add_global(n,v) Stella.ld "SETGLOBAL: #{n}=#{v}" @globals[n.strip] = v.strip end def rescue(&blk) rescue => ex Stella.le "ERROR: #{ex.message}" Stella.ld ex.backtrace end require 'stella/common' autoload :Utils, 'stella/utils' autoload :Config, 'stella/config' autoload :Data, 'stella/data' autoload :Testplan, 'stella/testplan' autoload :Engine, 'stella/engine' autoload :Client, 'stella/client' end Stella.stdout.lev = Stella.quiet? ? 0 : 1 Stella.stdout.autoflush! class Storable # These methods are used by Storable objects. # See Stella::Testplan module DefaultProcessors # If the object already has a value for +@id+ # use it, otherwise return the current digest. # # This allows an object to have a preset ID. # def gibbler_id_processor do |val| @id || self.gibbler end end end end