module Picky

  class Categories

    attr_reader :categories, :category_hash

    delegate :each,
             :to => :categories

    each_delegate :reindex,
                  :to => :categories

    # A list of indexed categories.
    # Options:
    #  * ignore_unassigned_tokens: Ignore the given token if it cannot be matched to a category.
    #                              The default behaviour is that if a token does not match to
    #                              any category, the query will not return anything (since a
    #                              single token cannot be matched). If you set this option to
    #                              true, any token that cannot be matched to a category will be
    #                              simply ignored.
    #                              Use this if only a few matched words are important, like for
    #                              example of the query "Jonathan Myers 86455 Las Cucarachas"
    #                              you only want to match the zipcode, to have the search engine
    #                              display advertisements on the side for the zipcode.
    #                              Nifty! :)
    def initialize options = {}

      @ignore_unassigned_tokens = options[:ignore_unassigned_tokens] || false

    # Clears both the array of categories and the hash of categories.
    def clear_categories
      @categories    = []
      @category_hash = {}

    # Add the given category to the list of categories.
    def << category
      categories << category
      category_hash[] = category

    # Find a given category in the categories.
    def [] category_name
      category_name = category_name.to_sym
      category_hash[category_name] || raise_not_found(category_name)
    def raise_not_found category_name
      raise %Q{Index category "#{category_name}" not found. Possible categories: "#{'", "')}".}

    def to_s
      categories.join(', ')

