#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "json" require "rainbow" require "optparse" require "set" def run_tests(deprecation_warnings, opts = {}) tracker_mode = opts[:tracker_mode] next_mode = opts[:next_mode] rspec_command = if next_mode "bin/next rspec" else "bundle exec rspec" end command = "DEPRECATION_TRACKER=#{tracker_mode} #{rspec_command} #{deprecation_warnings.keys.join(" ")}" puts command exec command end def print_info(deprecation_warnings, opts = {}) verbose = !!opts[:verbose] frequency_by_message = deprecation_warnings.each_with_object({}) do |(test_file, messages), hash| messages.each do |message| hash[message] ||= { test_files: Set.new, occurrences: 0 } hash[message][:test_files] << test_file hash[message][:occurrences] += 1 end end.sort_by {|message, data| data[:occurrences] }.reverse.to_h puts "Ten most common deprecation warnings:".underline frequency_by_message.take(10).each do |message, data| puts Rainbow("Occurrences: #{data.fetch(:occurrences)}").bold puts "Test files: #{data.fetch(:test_files).to_a.join(" ")}" if verbose puts Rainbow(message).red puts "----------" end end options = {} option_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = <<-MESSAGE Usage: #{__FILE__.to_s} [options] [mode] Parses the deprecation warning shitlist and show info or run tests. Examples: bin/deprecations info # Show top ten deprecations bin/deprecations --next info # Show top ten deprecations for Rails 5 bin/deprecations --pattern "ActiveRecord::Base" --verbose info # Show full details on deprecations matching pattern bin/deprecations --tracker-mode save --pattern "pass" run # Run tests that output deprecations matching pattern and update shitlist Modes: info Show information on the ten most frequent deprceation warnings. run Run tests that are known to cause deprecation warnings. Use --pattern to filter what tests are run. Options: MESSAGE opts.on("--next", "Run against the next shitlist") do |next_mode| options[:next] = next_mode end opts.on("--tracker-mode MODE", "Set DEPRECATION_TRACKER in test mode. Options: save or compare") do |tracker_mode| options[:tracker_mode] = tracker_mode end opts.on("--pattern RUBY_REGEX", "Filter deprecation warnings with a pattern.") do |pattern| options[:pattern] = pattern end opts.on("--verbose", "show more information") do options[:verbose] = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do puts opts exit end end option_parser.parse! options[:mode] = ARGV.last path = options[:next] ? "spec/support/deprecation_warning.next.shitlist.json" : "spec/support/deprecation_warning.shitlist.json" pattern_string = options.fetch(:pattern, ".+") pattern = /#{pattern_string}/ deprecation_warnings = JSON.parse(File.read(path)).each_with_object({}) do |(test_file, messages), hash| filtered_messages = messages.select {|message| message.match(pattern) } hash[test_file] = filtered_messages if !filtered_messages.empty? end if deprecation_warnings.empty? abort "No test files with deprecations matching #{pattern.inspect}." exit 2 end case options.fetch(:mode, "info") when "run" then run_tests(deprecation_warnings, next_mode: options[:next], tracker_mode: options[:tracker_mode]) when "info" then print_info(deprecation_warnings, verbose: options[:verbose]) when nil STDERR.puts Rainbow("Must pass a mode: run or info").red puts option_parser exit 1 else STDERR.puts Rainbow("Unknown mode: #{options[:mode]}").red exit 1 end