module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActionMailer # :nodoc: # The right email is sent. # # it { should have_sent_email.with_subject(/is spam$/) } # it { should have_sent_email.from('') } # it { should have_sent_email.with_body(/is spam\./) } # it { should'') } # it { should have_sent_email.with_part('text/html', /HTML spam/) } # it { should have_sent_email.with_subject(/spam/). # from(''). # with_body(/spam/). # to('') } def have_sent_email end class HaveSentEmailMatcher # :nodoc: def initialize end def with_subject(email_subject) @email_subject = email_subject self end def from(sender) @sender = sender self end def with_body(body) @body = body self end def with_part(content_type, body) @parts ||= [] @parts << [/#{Regexp.escape(content_type)}/, body, content_type] self end def to(recipient) @recipient = recipient self end def multipart(flag = true) @multipart = !!flag self end def matches?(subject) ::ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.each do |mail| @subject_failed = !regexp_or_string_match(mail.subject, @email_subject) if @email_subject @parts_failed = !parts_match(mail, @parts) if @parts @body_failed = !body_match(mail, @body) if @body @sender_failed = !regexp_or_string_match_in_array(mail.from, @sender) if @sender @recipient_failed = !regexp_or_string_match_in_array(, @recipient) if @recipient @multipart_failed = mail.multipart? != @multipart if defined?(@multipart) return true unless anything_failed? end false end def failure_message "Expected #{expectation}" end def negative_failure_message "Did not expect #{expectation}" end def description description = "send an email" description << " with a subject of #{@email_subject.inspect}" if @email_subject description << " containing #{@body.inspect}" if @body @parts.each do |_, body, content_type| description << " having a #{content_type} part containing #{body.inspect}" end if @parts description << " from #{@sender.inspect}" if @sender description << " to #{@recipient.inspect}" if @recipient description end private def expectation expectation = "sent email" expectation << " with subject #{@email_subject.inspect}" if @subject_failed expectation << " with body #{@body.inspect}" if @body_failed @parts.each do |_, body, content_type| expectation << " with a #{content_type} part containing #{body}" end if @parts && @parts_failed expectation << " from #{@sender.inspect}" if @sender_failed expectation << " to #{@recipient.inspect}" if @recipient_failed expectation << " #{'not ' if !@multipart}being multipart" if @multipart_failed expectation << "\nDeliveries:\n#{inspect_deliveries}" end def inspect_deliveries do |delivery| "#{delivery.subject.inspect} to #{}" end.join("\n") end def anything_failed? @subject_failed || @body_failed || @parts_failed || @sender_failed || @recipient_failed || @multipart_failed end def regexp_or_string_match(a_string, a_regexp_or_string) case a_regexp_or_string when Regexp a_string =~ a_regexp_or_string when String a_string == a_regexp_or_string end end def regexp_or_string_match_in_array(an_array, a_regexp_or_string) case a_regexp_or_string when Regexp an_array.any? { |string| string =~ a_regexp_or_string } when String an_array.include?(a_regexp_or_string) end end def body_match(mail, a_regexp_or_string) # Mail objects instantiated by ActionMailer3 return a blank # body if the e-mail is multipart. TMail concatenates the # String representation of each part instead. if mail.body.blank? && mail.multipart? part_match(mail, /^text\//, a_regexp_or_string) else regexp_or_string_match(mail.body, a_regexp_or_string) end end def parts_match(mail, parts) return false if parts.all? do |content_type, match, _| part_match(mail, content_type, match) end end def part_match(mail, content_type, a_regexp_or_string) matching = {|p| p.content_type =~ content_type} return false if matching.empty? matching.all? do |part| regexp_or_string_match(part.body, a_regexp_or_string) end end end end end end