module Analytical module Modules class DummyModule include Analytical::Modules::Base def method_missing(method, *args, &block); nil; end end end class Api attr_accessor :options, :modules def initialize(options={}) @options = options @modules = @options[:modules].inject( do |h, m| module_options = @options.merge(@options[m] || {}) module_options.delete(:modules) module_options[:session_store] =[:session], m) if @options[:session] h[m] = "Analytical::Modules::#{m.to_s.camelize}" h end @dummy_module = end # # Catch commands such as :track, :identify and send them on to all of the modules. # Or... if a module name is passed, return that module so it can be used directly, ie: # analytical.console.go 'make', :some=>:cookies # def method_missing(method, *args, &block) method = method.to_sym if @modules.keys.include?(method) @modules[method] elsif available_modules.include?(method) @dummy_module else process_command method, *args end end # # Delegation class that passes methods to # class ImmediateDelegateHelper def initialize(_parent) @parent = _parent end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @parent.modules.values.collect do |m| m.send(method, *args) if m.respond_to?(method) end.delete_if{|c| c.blank?}.join("\n") end end # # Returns a new delegation object for immediate processing of a command # def now end # # These methods return the javascript that should be inserted into each section of your layout # def head_prepend_javascript [init_javascript(:head_prepend), tracking_javascript(:head_prepend)].delete_if{|s| s.blank?}.join("\n") end def head_append_javascript js = [ init_javascript(:head_append), tracking_javascript(:head_append), ] if options[:javascript_helpers] if ::Rails::VERSION =~ /^3\.1/ # Rails 3.1 lets us override views in engines js << options[:controller].send(:render_to_string, :partial=>'analytical_javascript') if options[:controller] else # All other rails _partial_path ='..', '..', 'app/views/application', '_analytical_javascript.html.erb').to_s js << options[:controller].send(:render_to_string, :file=>_partial_path, :layout=>false) if options[:controller] end end js.delete_if{|s| s.blank?}.join("\n") end alias_method :head_javascript, :head_append_javascript def body_prepend_javascript [init_javascript(:body_prepend), tracking_javascript(:body_prepend)].delete_if{|s| s.blank?}.join("\n") end def body_append_javascript [init_javascript(:body_append), tracking_javascript(:body_append)].delete_if{|s| s.blank?}.join("\n") end private def process_command(command, *args) @modules.values.each do |m| m.queue command, *args end end def tracking_javascript(location) commands = [] @modules.each do |name, m| commands += m.process_queued_commands if m.init_location?(location) || m.initialized end commands = commands.delete_if{|c| c.blank? || c.empty?} unless commands.empty? commands.unshift "<script type='text/javascript'>" commands << "</script>" end commands.join("\n") end def init_javascript(location) @modules.values.collect do |m| m.init_javascript(location) if m.respond_to?(:init_javascript) end.delete_if{|c| c.blank?}.join end def available_modules Dir.glob(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/modules/*.rb').collect do |f| File.basename(f).sub(/.rb/,'').to_sym end - [:base] end end end