XSpec is a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework for XSLT and XQuery.
Usage (command-line):
ant -Dxspec.xml=/path/to/xspec/file
-lib /path/to/saxon.jar
-lib /path/to/xml-resolver.jar
xspec.xml XSpec test file
test.type Value "t" if XSpec describes an XSLT file, "s" if XSpec describes a Schematron file
[Optional; the default value is "t"]
xspec.project.dir Folder in which XSpec is installed
[Optional; the default is the folder containing this build file]
xspec.phase Schematron phase. Used only for testing Schematron. Can be "#ALL".
[Optional; the default is taken from "phase" parameter in XSpec file]
lib Additional jar libraries (saxon, xml-resolver)
or folder where they are located
clean.output.dir Value true to delete temporary files, value false to keep them
[Optional; the default is false]
xspec.fail Value true makes the build fail when one or more tests failed
[Optional; the default is true]
Usage (Oxygen XSLT transformation scenario):
This file is an updated copy of Oxygen's ${frameworksDir}/xspec/build.xml
- Duplicate Oxygen's default XSpec scenario
- Under Options tab:
- Build file: [this file]
- Under Parameters tab:
- New parameters if required (See the usage above):
- test.type
- xspec.phase
- xspec.fail
- Parameter xspec.project.dir value C:\Git\xspec
- If parameter catalog uses ${pdu}, replace it with ${pd}
Clean up