# ronin-repos-update 1 "2022-01-01" Ronin Repos "User Manuals" ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-repos update` [*options*] [*REPO*] ## DESCRIPTION Updates all repositories or just one. ## ARGUMENTS *REPO* The optional repository name to only update. ## OPTIONS `-h`, `--help` Prints help information. ## EXAMPLES `ronin-repos update` Updates all installed repositories. `ronin update repo` Updates the specific repository named `repo`. ## FILES *~/.cache/ronin-repos/* Installation directory for all repositories. ## ENVIRONMENT HOME Specifies the home directory of the user. Ronin will search for the *~/.cache/ronin-repos* cache directory within the home directory. XDG_CACHE_HOME Specifies the cache directory to use. Defaults to *$HOME/.cache*. ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO ronin-repos(1) ronin-repos-repos-install(1) ronin-repos-list(1) ronin-repos-remove(1) ronin-repos-purge(1)