/* * * Copyright 2018 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include "src/core/tsi/alts/zero_copy_frame_protector/alts_iovec_record_protocol.h" #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/tsi/alts/frame_protector/alts_counter.h" struct alts_iovec_record_protocol { alts_counter* ctr; gsec_aead_crypter* crypter; size_t tag_length; bool is_integrity_only; bool is_protect; }; /* Copies error message to destination. */ static void maybe_copy_error_msg(const char* src, char** dst) { if (dst != nullptr && src != nullptr) { *dst = static_cast(gpr_malloc(strlen(src) + 1)); memcpy(*dst, src, strlen(src) + 1); } } /* Appends error message to destination. */ static void maybe_append_error_msg(const char* appendix, char** dst) { if (dst != nullptr && appendix != nullptr) { int dst_len = static_cast(strlen(*dst)); *dst = static_cast(realloc(*dst, dst_len + strlen(appendix) + 1)); assert(*dst != nullptr); memcpy(*dst + dst_len, appendix, strlen(appendix) + 1); } } /* Use little endian to interpret a string of bytes as uint32_t. */ static uint32_t load_32_le(const unsigned char* buffer) { return (((uint32_t)buffer[3]) << 24) | (((uint32_t)buffer[2]) << 16) | (((uint32_t)buffer[1]) << 8) | ((uint32_t)buffer[0]); } /* Store uint32_t as a string of little endian bytes. */ static void store_32_le(uint32_t value, unsigned char* buffer) { buffer[3] = (unsigned char)(value >> 24) & 0xFF; buffer[2] = (unsigned char)(value >> 16) & 0xFF; buffer[1] = (unsigned char)(value >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[0] = (unsigned char)(value)&0xFF; } /* Ensures header and tag iovec have sufficient length. */ static grpc_status_code ensure_header_and_tag_length( const alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, iovec_t header, iovec_t tag, char** error_details) { if (rp == nullptr) { return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } if (header.iov_base == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Header is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (header.iov_len != alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_header_length()) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Header length is incorrect.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (tag.iov_base == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Tag is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (tag.iov_len != rp->tag_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Tag length is incorrect.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return GRPC_STATUS_OK; } /* Increments crypter counter and checks overflow. */ static grpc_status_code increment_counter(alts_counter* counter, char** error_details) { if (counter == nullptr) { return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } bool is_overflow = false; grpc_status_code status = alts_counter_increment(counter, &is_overflow, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } if (is_overflow) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Crypter counter is overflowed.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } return GRPC_STATUS_OK; } /* Given an array of iovec, computes the total length of buffer. */ static size_t get_total_length(const iovec_t* vec, size_t vec_length) { size_t total_length = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i) { total_length += vec[i].iov_len; } return total_length; } /* Writes frame header given data and tag length. */ static grpc_status_code write_frame_header(size_t data_length, unsigned char* header, char** error_details) { if (header == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Header is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } size_t frame_length = kZeroCopyFrameMessageTypeFieldSize + data_length; store_32_le(static_cast(frame_length), header); store_32_le(kZeroCopyFrameMessageType, header + kZeroCopyFrameLengthFieldSize); return GRPC_STATUS_OK; } /* Verifies frame header given protected data length. */ static grpc_status_code verify_frame_header(size_t data_length, unsigned char* header, char** error_details) { if (header == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Header is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } size_t frame_length = load_32_le(header); if (frame_length != kZeroCopyFrameMessageTypeFieldSize + data_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Bad frame length.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } size_t message_type = load_32_le(header + kZeroCopyFrameLengthFieldSize); if (message_type != kZeroCopyFrameMessageType) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Unsupported message type.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } return GRPC_STATUS_OK; } /* --- alts_iovec_record_protocol methods implementation. --- */ size_t alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_header_length() { return kZeroCopyFrameHeaderSize; } size_t alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_tag_length( const alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp) { if (rp != nullptr) { return rp->tag_length; } return 0; } size_t alts_iovec_record_protocol_max_unprotected_data_size( const alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, size_t max_protected_frame_size) { if (rp == nullptr) { return 0; } size_t overhead_bytes_size = kZeroCopyFrameMessageTypeFieldSize + rp->tag_length; if (max_protected_frame_size <= overhead_bytes_size) return 0; return max_protected_frame_size - overhead_bytes_size; } grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_integrity_only_protect( alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, const iovec_t* unprotected_vec, size_t unprotected_vec_length, iovec_t header, iovec_t tag, char** error_details) { /* Input sanity checks. */ if (rp == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Input iovec_record_protocol is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (!rp->is_integrity_only) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Integrity-only operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } if (!rp->is_protect) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Protect operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } grpc_status_code status = ensure_header_and_tag_length(rp, header, tag, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } /* Unprotected data should not be zero length. */ size_t data_length = get_total_length(unprotected_vec, unprotected_vec_length); /* Sets frame header. */ status = write_frame_header(data_length + rp->tag_length, static_cast(header.iov_base), error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } /* Computes frame tag by calling AEAD crypter. */ size_t bytes_written = 0; status = gsec_aead_crypter_encrypt_iovec( rp->crypter, alts_counter_get_counter(rp->ctr), alts_counter_get_size(rp->ctr), unprotected_vec, unprotected_vec_length, /* plaintext_vec = */ nullptr, /* plaintext_vec_length = */ 0, tag, &bytes_written, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } if (bytes_written != rp->tag_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Bytes written expects to be the same as tag length.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } /* Increments the crypter counter. */ return increment_counter(rp->ctr, error_details); } grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_integrity_only_unprotect( alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, const iovec_t* protected_vec, size_t protected_vec_length, iovec_t header, iovec_t tag, char** error_details) { /* Input sanity checks. */ if (rp == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Input iovec_record_protocol is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (!rp->is_integrity_only) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Integrity-only operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } if (rp->is_protect) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Unprotect operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } grpc_status_code status = ensure_header_and_tag_length(rp, header, tag, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) return status; /* Protected data should not be zero length. */ size_t data_length = get_total_length(protected_vec, protected_vec_length); /* Verifies frame header. */ status = verify_frame_header(data_length + rp->tag_length, static_cast(header.iov_base), error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } /* Verifies frame tag by calling AEAD crypter. */ iovec_t plaintext = {nullptr, 0}; size_t bytes_written = 0; status = gsec_aead_crypter_decrypt_iovec( rp->crypter, alts_counter_get_counter(rp->ctr), alts_counter_get_size(rp->ctr), protected_vec, protected_vec_length, &tag, 1, plaintext, &bytes_written, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK || bytes_written != 0) { maybe_append_error_msg(" Frame tag verification failed.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } /* Increments the crypter counter. */ return increment_counter(rp->ctr, error_details); } grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_privacy_integrity_protect( alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, const iovec_t* unprotected_vec, size_t unprotected_vec_length, iovec_t protected_frame, char** error_details) { /* Input sanity checks. */ if (rp == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Input iovec_record_protocol is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (rp->is_integrity_only) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Privacy-integrity operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } if (!rp->is_protect) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Protect operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } /* Unprotected data should not be zero length. */ size_t data_length = get_total_length(unprotected_vec, unprotected_vec_length); /* Ensures protected frame iovec has sufficient size. */ if (protected_frame.iov_base == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Protected frame is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (protected_frame.iov_len != alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_header_length() + data_length + rp->tag_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Protected frame size is incorrect.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /* Writer frame header. */ grpc_status_code status = write_frame_header( data_length + rp->tag_length, static_cast(protected_frame.iov_base), error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } /* Encrypt unprotected data by calling AEAD crypter. */ unsigned char* ciphertext_buffer = static_cast(protected_frame.iov_base) + alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_header_length(); iovec_t ciphertext = {ciphertext_buffer, data_length + rp->tag_length}; size_t bytes_written = 0; status = gsec_aead_crypter_encrypt_iovec( rp->crypter, alts_counter_get_counter(rp->ctr), alts_counter_get_size(rp->ctr), /* aad_vec = */ nullptr, /* aad_vec_length = */ 0, unprotected_vec, unprotected_vec_length, ciphertext, &bytes_written, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } if (bytes_written != data_length + rp->tag_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Bytes written expects to be data length plus tag length.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } /* Increments the crypter counter. */ return increment_counter(rp->ctr, error_details); } grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_privacy_integrity_unprotect( alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, iovec_t header, const iovec_t* protected_vec, size_t protected_vec_length, iovec_t unprotected_data, char** error_details) { /* Input sanity checks. */ if (rp == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Input iovec_record_protocol is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (rp->is_integrity_only) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Privacy-integrity operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } if (rp->is_protect) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Unprotect operations are not allowed for this object.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } /* Protected data size should be no less than tag size. */ size_t protected_data_length = get_total_length(protected_vec, protected_vec_length); if (protected_data_length < rp->tag_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Protected data length should be more than the tag length.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /* Ensures header has sufficient size. */ if (header.iov_base == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Header is nullptr.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (header.iov_len != alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_header_length()) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Header length is incorrect.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /* Ensures unprotected data iovec has sufficient size. */ if (unprotected_data.iov_len != protected_data_length - rp->tag_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg("Unprotected data size is incorrect.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /* Verify frame header. */ grpc_status_code status = verify_frame_header( protected_data_length, static_cast(header.iov_base), error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { return status; } /* Decrypt protected data by calling AEAD crypter. */ size_t bytes_written = 0; status = gsec_aead_crypter_decrypt_iovec( rp->crypter, alts_counter_get_counter(rp->ctr), alts_counter_get_size(rp->ctr), /* aad_vec = */ nullptr, /* aad_vec_length = */ 0, protected_vec, protected_vec_length, unprotected_data, &bytes_written, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { maybe_append_error_msg(" Frame decryption failed.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } if (bytes_written != protected_data_length - rp->tag_length) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Bytes written expects to be protected data length minus tag length.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL; } /* Increments the crypter counter. */ return increment_counter(rp->ctr, error_details); } grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_create( gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, size_t overflow_size, bool is_client, bool is_integrity_only, bool is_protect, alts_iovec_record_protocol** rp, char** error_details) { if (crypter == nullptr || rp == nullptr) { maybe_copy_error_msg( "Invalid nullptr arguments to alts_iovec_record_protocol create.", error_details); return GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } alts_iovec_record_protocol* impl = static_cast( gpr_zalloc(sizeof(alts_iovec_record_protocol))); /* Gets counter length. */ size_t counter_length = 0; grpc_status_code status = gsec_aead_crypter_nonce_length(crypter, &counter_length, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { goto cleanup; } /* Creates counters. */ status = alts_counter_create(is_protect ? !is_client : is_client, counter_length, overflow_size, &impl->ctr, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { goto cleanup; } /* Gets tag length. */ status = gsec_aead_crypter_tag_length(crypter, &impl->tag_length, error_details); if (status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { goto cleanup; } impl->crypter = crypter; impl->is_integrity_only = is_integrity_only; impl->is_protect = is_protect; *rp = impl; return GRPC_STATUS_OK; cleanup: alts_counter_destroy(impl->ctr); gpr_free(impl); return GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION; } void alts_iovec_record_protocol_destroy(alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp) { if (rp != nullptr) { alts_counter_destroy(rp->ctr); gsec_aead_crypter_destroy(rp->crypter); gpr_free(rp); } }