require "net/http/persistent" require "aws-sigv4" module Paapi class Client attr_accessor :partner_tag, :marketplace, :resources, :condition attr_reader :partner_type, :access_key, :secret_key, :market, :http def initialize( access_key: Paapi.access_key, secret_key: Paapi.secret_key, partner_tag: Paapi.partner_tag, market: || DEFAULT_MARKET, condition: Paapi.condition || DEFAULT_CONDITION, resources: Paapi.resources || DEFAULT_RESOURCES, partner_type: DEFAULT_PARTNER_TYPE ) raise ArgumentError unless MARKETPLACES.key?(market.to_sym) @access_key = access_key @secret_key = secret_key @partner_type = partner_type @resources = resources unless resources.nil? @condition = condition = market @partner_tag = partner_tag if !partner_tag.nil? @http = "paapi").tap do |c| c.open_timeout = 2 c.read_timeout = 5 c.write_timeout = 5 end end def market=(a_market) @market = a_market @marketplace = MARKETPLACES[market.to_sym] return if Paapi.partner_market.nil? @partner_tag = Paapi.partner_market[a_market.to_sym] || @partner_tag end def get_items(item_ids:, **options) payload = {"PartnerTag" => partner_tag, "PartnerType" => "Associates", ItemIds: Array(item_ids), Resources: @resources}.merge(options) request(op: :get_items, payload: payload) end def get_variations(asin:, **options) payload = {ASIN: asin, Resources: @resources}.merge(options) request(op: :get_variations, payload: payload) end # TODO: Currently we assume Keywords, but we need one of the following: [Keywords Actor Artist Author Brand Title ] def search_items(**options) options.transform_keys!(&:to_s) raise"Missing keywords") unless (options.keys & SEARCH_PARAMS).length.positive? search_index = options.dig(:SearchIndex) || "All" payload = {"PartnerTag" => partner_tag, "PartnerType" => "Associates", "Resources" => @resources, "ItemCount" => 10, "ItemPage" => 1, "SearchIndex" => search_index}.merge(options) request(op: :search_items, payload: payload) end def get_browse_nodes(browse_node_ids:, **options) payload = {BrowseNodeIds: Array(browse_node_ids), Resources: @resources}.merge(options) request(op: :get_browse_nodes, payload: payload) end private def request(op:, payload:) raise ArguemntError unless Paapi::OPERATIONS.key?(op) operation = OPERATIONS[op] headers = { "X-Amz-Target" => "{operation.target_name}", "Content-Encoding" => "amz-1.0" } default_payload = { "Condition" => condition, "PartnerTag" => partner_tag, "PartnerType" => partner_type, "Marketplace" => } payload = default_payload.merge(payload) puts payload endpoint = "https://#{}/paapi5/#{operation.endpoint_suffix}" signer = service: operation.service, region: marketplace.region, access_key_id: access_key, secret_access_key: secret_key, http_method: operation.http_method, endpoint: ) signature = signer.sign_request(http_method: operation.http_method, url: endpoint, headers: headers, body: payload.to_json) headers["Host"] = headers["X-Amz-Date"] = signature.headers["x-amz-date"] headers["X-Amz-Content-Sha256"] = signature.headers["x-amz-content-sha256"] headers["Authorization"] = signature.headers["authorization"] headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" endpoint, body: payload, headers: headers)) end def post(url:, body:, headers:) uri = URI.parse(url) post_request = post_request.content_type = "application/json; charset=UTF-8" headers.each { |k, v| post_request[k] = v } post_request.body = body.to_json http.request uri, post_request end end end