# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe 'DeclareSchema Migration Generator' do before do load File.expand_path('prepare_testapp.rb', __dir__) end it "generates nested models" do generate_model 'alpha/beta', 'one:string', 'two:integer' expect_model_definition_to_eq('alpha/beta', <<~EOS) class Alpha::Beta < #{active_record_base_class} declare_schema do string :one, limit: 255 integer :two end end EOS expect_model_definition_to_eq('alpha', <<~EOS) module Alpha def self.table_name_prefix 'alpha_' end end EOS case ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR when 5 expect_test_definition_to_eq('alpha/beta', <<~EOS) require "test_helper" class Alpha::BetaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # test "the truth" do # assert true # end end EOS else expect_test_definition_to_eq('alpha/beta', <<~EOS) require "test_helper" class Alpha::BetaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # test "the truth" do # assert true # end end EOS end case ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR when 5 expect_test_fixture_to_eq('alpha/beta', <<~EOS) # Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html # This model initially had no columns defined. If you add columns to the # model remove the '{}' from the fixture names and add the columns immediately # below each fixture, per the syntax in the comments below # one: {} # column: value # two: {} # column: value EOS when 6 expect_test_fixture_to_eq('alpha/beta', <<~EOS) # Read about fixtures at https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html # This model initially had no columns defined. If you add columns to the # model remove the '{}' from the fixture names and add the columns immediately # below each fixture, per the syntax in the comments below # one: {} # column: value # two: {} # column: value EOS end $LOAD_PATH << "#{TESTAPP_PATH}/app/models" expect(system("bundle exec rails generate declare_schema:migration -n -m")).to be_truthy expect(File.exist?('db/schema.rb')).to be_truthy if defined?(SQLite3) expect(File.exist?("db/development.sqlite3") || File.exist?("db/test.sqlite3")).to be_truthy end module Alpha; end require 'alpha/beta' expect { Alpha::Beta }.to_not raise_exception end end