Feature: Sign in In order to get access to protected sections of the site A user Should be able to sign in Scenario: User is not signed up Given no user exists with an email of "email@person.com" When I go to the sign in page And I sign in as "email@person.com/password" Then I should see "Bad email or password" And I should be signed out Scenario: User is not confirmed Given I signed up with "email@person.com/password" When I go to the sign in page And I sign in as "email@person.com/password" Then I should see "User has not confirmed email" And I should be signed out Scenario: User enters wrong password Given I am signed up and confirmed as "email@person.com/password" When I go to the sign in page And I sign in as "email@person.com/wrongpassword" Then I should see "Bad email or password" And I should be signed out Scenario: User signs in successfully Given I am signed up and confirmed as "email@person.com/password" When I go to the sign in page And I sign in as "email@person.com/password" Then I should see "Signed in" And I should be signed in When I return next time Then I should be signed in