Feature: flapjack-notifier-manager So people can be notified when things break A notifier must be started Through an easy to use command line tool Scenario: Starting the notifier Given the flapjack-notifier-manager is on my path And the "/var/run/flapjack" directory exists and is writable And beanstalkd is running on localhost And there are no instances of flapjack-notifier running When I run "flapjack-notifier-manager start --recipients spec/configs/recipients.ini --config spec/configs/flapjack-notifier.ini" Then 1 instances of "flapjack-notifier" should be running Scenario: Stopping the notifier Given there is an instance of the flapjack-notifier running And beanstalkd is running on localhost When I run "flapjack-notifier-manager stop" Then 0 instances of "flapjack-notifier" should be running