require 'message_helper' describe IB::Messages do context 'Request Market Data', :connected => true do context 'when subscribed to :Tick... messages' do before(:all) do connect_and_receive :Alert, :TickPrice, :TickSize ##TODO consider a follow the sun market lookup for windening the types tested @ib.send_message :RequestMarketData, :id => 456, :contract => IB::Symbols::Forex[:eurusd] wait_for(5) { @received[:TickPrice].size > 3 && @received[:TickSize].size > 1 } end after(:all) do @ib.send_message :CancelMarketData, :id => 456 close_connection end context "received :Alert message " do subject { @received[:Alert].first } it { should_not be_nil } it { should be_warning } it { should_not be_error } its(:code) { should be_an Integer } its(:message) { should =~ /Market data farm connection is OK/ } its(:to_human) { should =~ /TWS Warning Message/ } end context "received :TickPrice message" do subject { @received[:TickPrice].first } it { should_not be_nil } its(:tick_type) { should be_an Integer } its(:type) { should be_a Symbol } its(:price) { should be_a Float } its(:size) { should be_an Integer } its(:data) { should be_a Hash } its(:id) { should == 456 } # ticker_id its(:to_human) { should =~ /TickPrice/ } end context "received :TickSize message" do subject { @received[:TickSize].first } it { should_not be_nil } its(:type) { should_not be_nil } its(:data) { should be_a Hash } its(:tick_type) { should be_an Integer } its(:type) { should be_a Symbol } its(:size) { should be_an Integer } its(:id) { should == 456 } its(:to_human) { should =~ /TickSize/ } end end # when subscribed to :Tick... messages context 'when NOT subscribed to :Tick... messages' do before(:all) do connect_and_receive :NextValidID @ib.send_message :RequestMarketData, :id => 456, :contract => IB::Symbols::Forex[:eurusd] wait_for(2) end after(:all) do @ib.send_message :CancelMarketData, :id => 456 close_connection end it "logs warning about unhandled :OpenOrderEnd message" do should_log /No subscribers for message IB::Messages::Incoming::OpenOrderEnd/ end it "logs warning about unhandled :Alert message" do should_log /No subscribers for message IB::Messages::Incoming::Alert/ end it "logs warning about unhandled :Tick... messages" do should_log /No subscribers for message IB::Messages::Incoming::TickPrice/, /No subscribers for message IB::Messages::Incoming::TickSize/ end end # NOT subscribed to :Tick... messages end # Request Market Data end # describe IB::Messages