#forms-base.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('base', 'forms_base') %p Global form & form control styling. %p should apply a bottom margin to containment elements: .style-guide__example-block %fieldset Fieldset Element .style-guide__example-block %legend Legend Element %p should display a larger font for elements: .style-guide__example-block %p Regular font-size %select %option Larger Font Size %input{ value: 'Larger Font Size' } %textarea Larger Font Size %p should not allow selects to exceed the width of their container (100px in this example): .style-guide__example-block %div{ style: 'width: 100px;' } %select %option Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious %p should align a label to the with the text of a textarea: .style-guide__example-block %label Label %textarea Textarea %p should style readonly form controls: .style-guide__example-block %input{ readonly: true, value: 'Readonly Input' } .style-guide__example-block %textarea{ readonly: true } Readonly Textarea %p should style disabled form controls: .style-guide__example-block %button{ disabled: true } Disabled Button .style-guide__example-block %input{ disabled: true, value: 'Disabled Input' } .style-guide__example-block %textarea{ disabled: true } Disabled Textarea .style-guide__example-block %select{ disabled: true } %option Disabled Select %option Disabled Select %option Disabled Select %p should style form controls within a disabled fieldset: .style-guide__example-block %fieldset{ disabled: true } %button Disabled Button %input{ value: 'Disabled Input' } %textarea Disabled Textarea %select %option Disabled Option %p should support disabled select options: .style-guide__example-block %select %optgroup %option Select Optgroup Option %optgroup{ disabled: true } %option Disabled Select Optgroup Option .style-guide__example-block %select %option Select Option %option{ disabled: true } Disabled Select Option %option Select Option %p should set the color of placeholder text: .style-guide__example-block %input{ placeholder: 'Placeholder Text' } .style-guide__example-block %textarea{ placeholder: 'Placeholder Text' }