# Contributing `Cliver` is [MIT-liennsed](LICENSE.txt) and intends to follow the [pull-request-hack][]. ## Git-Flow `Cliver` follows the [git-flow][] branching model, which means that every commit on `master` is a release. The default working branch is `develop`, so in general please keep feature pull-requests based against the current `develop`. - fork cliver - use the git-flow model to start your feature or hotfix - make some commits (please include specs) - submit a pull-request ## Bug Reporting Please include clear steps-to-reproduce. Spec files are especially welcome; a failing spec can be contributed as a pull-request against `develop`. ## Ruby Appraiser `Cliver` uses the [ruby-appraiser][] gem via [pre-commit][] hook, which can be activated by installing [icefox/git-hooks][] and running `git-hooks --install`. Reek and Rubocop are strong guidelines; use them to reduce defects as much as you can, but if you believe clarity will be sacrificed they can be bypassed with the `--no-verify` flag. [git-flow]: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ [pre-commit]: .githooks/pre-commit/ruby-appraiser [ruby-appraiser]: https://github.com/simplymeasured/ruby-appraiser [icefox/git-hooks]: https://github.com/icefox/git-hooks [pull-request-hack]: http://felixge.de/2013/03/11/the-pull-request-hack.html