{: versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:shaI"-e9f39e11a9612842c93fb61eaec28788acaa0e96;F: contents"Y)o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"V/* Foundation by ZURB * foundation.zurb.com * Licensed under MIT Open Source */:ET: @type: silent;[: @linei: @options{o; ;[I"N/* This is the default html and body font-size for the base rem value. */; T; ; ;[; i ; @ o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @nameI" rem-base; T: @expro:Sass::Script::Number ;i:@numerator_units[I"px; T:@denominator_units[; i :@originalI" 16px; F; @ : @guardedI" !default; T;[; i ; @ o; ;[I"‚/* IMPORT ONCE * We use this to prevent styles from being loaded multiple times for compenents that rely on other components. */; T; ; ;[; i ; @ o; ;I" modules; T;o:Sass::Script::List ;[:@separator: space; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;I" exports; T: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" name; T:@underscored_nameI" name; T; @ 0: @splat0;[u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation : @operando:Sass::Script::Funcall : @nameI" index:ET: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I" modules; T:@underscored_nameI" modules; T: @linei: @options{o; ;I" name; T; I" name; T; i;@ :@keywords{: @splat0; i;@ :@operator:not; i;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;I" modules; T: @expro; ;I" append; T; [o; ;I" modules; T; I" modules; T; i;@ o; ;I" name; T; I" name; T; i;@ ;{;0; i;@ : @guarded0:@children[; i;@ o:Sass::Tree::ContentNode;[; i;@ ; i:@has_childrenT; @ o; ;[I"/* * @functions * */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o; ;[I"e/* RANGES * We use these functions to define ranges for various things, like media queries. */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::FunctionNode ;I"lower-bound; T;[[o;;I" range; T;I" range; T; @ 0;0;[u;À[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:Sass::Script::Funcall : @nameI" length:ET: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I" range; T:@underscored_nameI" range; T: @linei: @options{:@keywords{: @splat0; i;@ :@operand2o:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei:@numerator_units[:@denominator_units[; i:@originalI"0; F;@ :@operator:lte; i;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode : @expro; ;i;[;@; i ;I"0; F;@ :@children[; i ;@ o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode ;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I"nth; T;[o; ;I" range; T;I" range; T; i"; @ o; ;i;[;[; i";I"1; F; @ :@keywords{;0; i"; @ ;[; i"; @ ; i;T; @ o; ;I"upper-bound; T;[[o;;I" range; T;I" range; T; @ 0;0;[u;Ñ[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:Sass::Script::Funcall : @nameI" length:ET: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I" range; T:@underscored_nameI" range; T: @linei&: @options{:@keywords{: @splat0; i&;@ :@operand2o:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei:@numerator_units[:@denominator_units[; i&:@originalI"2; F;@ :@operator:lt; i&;@ 0[o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode : @expro; ;l+ÿ¥Ôè;[;@; i';I"999999999999; F;@ :@children[; i';@ o;! ;o;" ;I"nth; T;[o; ;I" range; T;I" range; T; i); @ o; ;i;[;@F; i);I"2; F; @ ;#{;0; i); @ ;[; i); @ ; i%;T; @ o; ;[I"E/* STRIP UNIT * It strips the unit of measure and returns it */; T; ; ;[; i,; @ o; ;I"strip-unit; T;[[o;;I"num; T;I"num; T; @ 0;0;[o;! ;o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o; ;I"num; T;I"num; T; i/; @ :@operand2o;$ ;%o;$ ;%o; ;I"num; T;I"num; T; i/; @ ;&o; ;i;[;@F; i/;I"0; F; @ :@operator: times; i/; @ ;&o; ;i;[;@F; i/;I"1; F; @ ;': plus; i/; @ ;':div; i/; @ ;[; i/; @ ; i.;T; @ o; ;[I"/* CONVERT TO REM */; T; ; ;[; i2; @ o; ;I"convert-to-rem; T;[[o;;I" value; T;I" value; T; @ 0[o;;I"base-value; T;I"base_value; T; @ o; ;I" rem-base; T;I" rem_base; T; i3; @ ;0;[ o; ;I" value; T;o;$ ;%o;$ ;%o;" ;I"strip-unit; T;[o; ;I" value; T;I" value; T; i4; @ ;#{;0; i4; @ ;&o;" ;I"strip-unit; T;[o; ;I"base-value; T;I"base_value; T; i4; @ ;#{;0; i4; @ ;';*; i4; @ ;&o; ;i;[I"rem; T;[; i4;I" 1rem; F; @ ;';(; i4; @ ;0;[; i4; @ u;˜[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI" value:ET:@underscored_nameI" value; T: @linei5: @options{:@operand2o:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei:@numerator_units[I"rem; T:@denominator_units[; i5:@originalI" 0rem; F; @ :@operator:eq; i5; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;I" value; T: @expro; ;i;[;[; i5;I"0; F; @ : @guarded0:@children[; i5; @ o; ;[I"/* Turn 0rem into 0 */; T; ; ;[; i5; @ o;! ;o; ;I" value; T;I" value; T; i6; @ ;[; i6; @ ; i3;T; @ o; ;I" data; T;[[o;;I" attr; T;I" attr; T; @ 0;0;[u;û[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"namespace:ET:@underscored_nameI"namespace;T: @linei:: @options{0[o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode : @expro:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o; ;o; ;o; ;o:Sass::Script::String : @valueI" [data-;T: @type: string; i;; @ :@operand2o; ;I"namespace;T;I"namespace;T; i;; @ :@operator: plus; i;; @ ;o; ;I"-;T;;; i;; @ ;;; i;; @ ;o; ;I" attr;T;I" attr;T; i;; @ ;;; i;; @ ;o; ;I"];T;;; i;; @ ;;; i;; @ :@children[; i;; @ o;! ;o;$ ;%o;$ ;%o:Sass::Script::String ;I" [data-; T; : string; i>; @ ;&o; ;I" attr; T;I" attr; T; i>; @ ;';); i>; @ ;&o;+ ;I"]; T; ;,; i>; @ ;';); i>; @ ;[; i>; @ ; i9;T; @ o; ;[I"/* REM CALC */; T; ; ;[; iA; @ o; ;[I"4/* New Syntax, allows to optionally calculate on a different base value to counter compounding effect of rem's. * Call with 1, 2, 3 or 4 parameters, 'px' is not required but supported: * * rem-calc(10 20 30px 40); * * Space delimited, if you want to delimit using comma's, wrap it in another pair of brackets * * rem-calc((10, 20, 30, 40px)); * * Optionally call with a different base (eg: 8px) to calculate rem. * * rem-calc(16px 32px 48px, 8px); * * If you require to comma separate your list * * rem-calc((16px, 32px, 48), 8px); */; T; ; ;[; iC; @ o; ;I" rem-calc; T;[[o;;I" values; T;I" values; T; @ 0[o;;I"base-value; T;I"base_value; T; @ o; ;I" rem-base; T;I" rem_base; T; iT; @ ;0;[ o; ;I"max; T;o;" ;I" length; T;[o; ;I" values; T;I" values; T; iU; @ ;#{;0; iU; @ ;0;[; iU; @ u;B[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"max:ET:@underscored_nameI"max; T: @lineiW: @options{:@operand2o:Sass::Script::Number : @valuei:@numerator_units[:@denominator_units[; iW:@originalI"1; F; @ :@operator:eq; iW; @ 0[o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode : @expro:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I"convert-to-rem; T: @args[o; ;I"nth; T;[o; ;I" values; T; I" values; T; iW; @ o; ;i;[;@ ; iW;I"1; F; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; iW; @ o; ;I"base-value; T; I"base_value; T; iW; @ ;{;0; iW; @ :@children[; iW; @ o; ;I"remValues; T;o; ;[;;; iY; @ ;0;[; iY; @ o:Sass::Tree::ForNode : @varI"i; T: @fromo; ;i;[;@F; iZ;I"1; F; @ :@too; ;I"max; T;I"max; T; iZ; @ :@exclusiveF;[o; ;I"remValues; T;o;" ;I" append; T;[o; ;I"remValues; T;I"remValues; T; i[; @ o;" ;I"convert-to-rem; T;[o;" ;I"nth; T;[o; ;I" values; T;I" values; T; i[; @ o; ;I"i; T;I"i; T; i[; @ ;#{;0; i[; @ o; ;I"base-value; T;I"base_value; T; i[; @ ;#{;0; i[; @ ;#{;0; i[; @ ;0;[; i[; @ ; iZ;T; @ o;! ;o; ;I"remValues; T;I"remValues; T; i]; @ ;[; i]; @ ; iT;T; @ o; ;[I"Z/* OLD EM CALC * Deprecated: We'll drop support for this in 5.1.0, use rem-calc() */; T; ; ;[; i`; @ o; ;I" emCalc; T;[[o;;I" values; T;I" values; T; @ 0;0;[o;! ;o;" ;I" rem-calc; T;[o; ;I" values; T;I" values; T; ic; @ ;#{;0; ic; @ ;[; ic; @ ; ib;T; @ o; ;[I"Z/* OLD EM CALC * Deprecated: We'll drop support for this in 5.1.0, use rem-calc() */; T; ; ;[; if; @ o; ;I" em-calc; T;[[o;;I" values; T;I" values; T; @ 0;0;[o;! ;o;" ;I" rem-calc; T;[o; ;I" values; T;I" values; T; ii; @ ;#{;0; ii; @ ;[; ii; @ ; ih;T; @ :@templateI"– // Foundation by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source // This is the default html and body font-size for the base rem value. $rem-base: 16px !default; // IMPORT ONCE // We use this to prevent styles from being loaded multiple times for compenents that rely on other components. $modules: () !default; @mixin exports($name) { @if(not index($modules, $name)) { $modules: append($modules, $name); @content; } } // // @functions // // RANGES // We use these functions to define ranges for various things, like media queries. @function lower-bound($range){ @if length($range) <= 0 { @return 0; } @return nth($range,1); } @function upper-bound($range) { @if length($range) < 2 { @return 999999999999; } @return nth($range, 2); } // STRIP UNIT // It strips the unit of measure and returns it @function strip-unit($num) { @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1); } // CONVERT TO REM @function convert-to-rem($value, $base-value: $rem-base) { $value: strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base-value) * 1rem; @if ($value == 0rem) { $value: 0; } // Turn 0rem into 0 @return $value; } @function data($attr) { @if $namespace { @return '[data-' + $namespace + '-' + $attr + ']'; } @return '[data-' + $attr + ']'; } // REM CALC // New Syntax, allows to optionally calculate on a different base value to counter compounding effect of rem's. // Call with 1, 2, 3 or 4 parameters, 'px' is not required but supported: // // rem-calc(10 20 30px 40); // // Space delimited, if you want to delimit using comma's, wrap it in another pair of brackets // // rem-calc((10, 20, 30, 40px)); // // Optionally call with a different base (eg: 8px) to calculate rem. // // rem-calc(16px 32px 48px, 8px); // // If you require to comma separate your list // // rem-calc((16px, 32px, 48), 8px); @function rem-calc($values, $base-value: $rem-base) { $max: length($values); @if $max == 1 { @return convert-to-rem(nth($values, 1), $base-value); } $remValues: (); @for $i from 1 through $max { $remValues: append($remValues, convert-to-rem(nth($values, $i), $base-value)); } @return $remValues; } // OLD EM CALC // Deprecated: We'll drop support for this in 5.1.0, use rem-calc() @function emCalc($values){ @return rem-calc($values); } // OLD EM CALC // Deprecated: We'll drop support for this in 5.1.0, use rem-calc() @function em-calc($values){ @return rem-calc($values); } ; T; i;T; @