# Network This document explains how to get started using Azure Network Service with Fog. With this gem you can create, update, list or delete virtual networks, subnets, public IPs and network interfaces. ## Usage First of all, you need to require the Fog library by executing: ```ruby require 'fog/azurerm' ``` ## Create Connection Next, create a connection to the Network Service: ```ruby fog_network_service = Fog::Network::AzureRM.new( tenant_id: '', # Tenant Id of Azure Active Directory Application client_id: '', # Client Id of Azure Active Directory Application client_secret: '', # Client Secret of Azure Active Directory Application subscription_id: '', # Subscription Id of an Azure Account environment: '' # Azure cloud environment. Default is AzureCloud. ) ``` ## Check Virtual Network Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.virtual_networks.check_virtual_network_exists('', '') ``` ## Create Virtual Network Create a new virtual network **Optional parameters for Virtual Network**: subnets, dns_servers & address_prefixes **Optional parameters for Subnet**: network_security_group_id, route_table_id & address_prefix ```ruby vnet = fog_network_service.virtual_networks.create( name: '', location: '', resource_group: '', subnets: [{ name: '', address_prefix: '', network_security_group_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/', route_table_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/' }], dns_servers: ['',''], address_prefixes: ['',''], tags: { key: 'value' } # [Optional] ) ``` ## List Virtual Networks in Resource Group List all virtual networks in a resource group ```ruby vnets = fog_network_service.virtual_networks(resource_group: '') vnets.each do |vnet| puts "#{vnet.name}" puts "#{vnet.location}" end ``` ## List Virtual Networks in Subscription List all virtual networks in a subscription ```ruby vnets = fog_network_service.virtual_networks vnets.each do |vnet| puts "#{vnet.name}" puts "#{vnet.location}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Virtual Network Get a single record of virtual network ```ruby vnet = fog_network_service.virtual_networks.get('', '') puts "#{vnet.name}" ``` ## Add/Remove DNS Servers to/from Virtual Network Add/Remove DNS Servers to/from Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.add_dns_servers(['','']) vnet.remove_dns_servers(['','']) ``` ## Add/Remove Address Prefixes to/from Virtual Network Add/Remove Address Prefixes to/from Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.add_address_prefixes(['', '']) vnet.remove_address_prefixes(['']) ``` ## Add/Remove Subnets to/from Virtual Network Add/Remove Subnets to/from Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.add_subnets([{ name: '', address_prefix: '' }]) vnet.remove_subnets(['']) ``` ## Update Virtual Network Update Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.update({ subnets:[{ name: '', address_prefix: '' }], dns_servers: ['',''] }) ``` ## Destroy a single virtual network Get virtual network object from the get method and then destroy that virtual network. ```ruby vnet.destroy ``` ## Check Subnet Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.subnets.check_subnet_exists('', '', '') ``` ## Create Subnet Create a new Subnet Optional parameters: network_security_group_id, route_table_id & address_prefix ```ruby subnet = fog_network_service.subnets.create( name: '', resource_group: '', virtual_network_name: '', address_prefix: '', network_security_group_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/', route_table_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/' ) ``` ## List Subnets List subnets in a resource group and a virtual network ```ruby subnets = fog_network_service.subnets(resource_group: '', virtual_network_name: '') subnets.each do |subnet| puts "#{subnet.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Subnet Get a single record of Subnet ```ruby subnet = fog_network_service .subnets .get('', '', '') puts "#{subnet.name}" ``` ## Attach Network Security Group to Subnet Attach Network Security Group to Subnet ```ruby subnet = fog_network_service.attach_network_security_group('/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/') puts "#{subnet.network_security_group_id}" ``` ## Detach Network Security Group from Subnet Detach Network Security Group from Subnet ```ruby subnet = fog_network_service.detach_network_security_group puts "#{subnet.network_security_group_id}" ``` ## Attach Route Table to Subnet Attach Route Table to Subnet ```ruby subnet = fog_network_service.attach_route_table('/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/') puts "#{subnet.route_table_id}" ``` ## Detach Route Table from Subnet Detach Route Table from Subnet ```ruby subnet = fog_network_service.detach_route_table puts "#{subnet.route_table_id}" ``` ## List Number of Available IP Addresses in Subnet The parameter is a boolean which checks if the Virtual Network the Subnet belongs to is attached to an Express Route Circuit or not ```ruby puts "#{subnet.get_available_ipaddresses_count()}" ``` ## Destroy a single Subnet Get a subnet object from the get method and then destroy that subnet. ```ruby subnet.destroy ``` ## Check Network Interface Card Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.network_interfaces.check_network_interface_exists('', '') ``` ## Create Network Interface Card Create a new network interface. Skip public_ip_address_id parameter to create network interface without PublicIP. The parameter, private_ip_allocation_method can be Dynamic or Static. ```ruby nic = fog_network_service.network_interfaces.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: '', subnet_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks//subnets/', public_ip_address_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', ip_configuration_name: '', private_ip_allocation_method: '', tags: { key: 'value' } # [Optional] ) ``` ## List Network Interface Cards List network interfaces in a resource group ```ruby nics = fog_network_service.network_interfaces(resource_group: '') nics.each do |nic| puts "#{nic.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Network Interface Card Get a single record of Network Interface ```ruby nic = fog_network_service .network_interfaces .get('', '') puts "#{nic.name}" ``` ## Update Network Interface Card You can update network interface by passing only updated attributes, in the form of hash. For example, ```ruby nic.update(private_ip_allocation_method: '', private_ip_address: '') ``` ## Attach/Detach resources to Network Interface Card Attach Subnet, Public-IP or Network-Security-Group as following ```ruby subnet_id = '' nic.attach_subnet(subnet_id) public_ip_id = '' nic.attach_public_ip(public_ip_id) nsg_id = '' nic.attach_network_security_group(nsg_id) ``` Detach Public-IP or Network-Security-Group as following ```ruby nic.detach_public_ip nic.detach_network_security_group ``` `Note: You can't detach subnet from Network Interface.` ## Destroy a single Network Interface Card Get a network interface object from the get method and then destroy that network interface. ```ruby nic.destroy ``` ## Check Public IP Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.public_ips.check_public_ip_exists('', '') ``` ## Create Public IP Create a new public IP. The parameter, type can be Dynamic or Static. ```ruby public_ip = fog_network_service.public_ips.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: '', public_ip_allocation_method: '', tags: { key: 'value' } # [Optional] ) ``` ## Check for Public IP Checks if the Public IP already exists or not. ```ruby fog_network_service.public_ips.check_if_exists('', '') ``` ## List Public IPs List network interfaces in a resource group ```ruby public_ips = fog_network_service.public_ips(resource_group: '') public_ips.each do |pubip| puts "#{public_ip.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Public IP Get a single record of Public IP ```ruby public_ip = fog_network_service .public_ips .get('', '') puts "#{public_ip.name}" ``` ## Update Public IP Get a Public IP object from the get method and then update that public IP. You can update the Public IP by passing the modifiable attributes in the form of a hash. ```ruby public_ip.update( public_ip_allocation_method: '', idle_timeout_in_minutes: '', domain_name_label: '' ) ``` ## Destroy a single Public IP Get a Public IP object from the get method and then destroy that public IP. ```ruby public_ip.destroy ``` ## Check Network Security Group Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.network_security_groups.check_net_sec_group_exists('', '') ``` ## Create Network Security Group Network security group requires a resource group to create. ```ruby fog_network_service.network_security_groups.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: '', security_rules: [{ name: '', protocol: '', source_port_range: '', destination_port_range: '', source_address_prefix: '', destination_address_prefix: 'Destination IP Address Range', access: '', priority: '', direction: '' }], tags: { key: 'value' } # [Optional] ) ``` ## List Network Security Groups List all the network security groups in a resource group ```ruby network_security_groups = fog_network_service.network_security_groups(resource_group: '') network_security_groups.each do |nsg| puts "#{nsg.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Network Security Group Get a single record of Network Security Group ```ruby nsg = fog_network_service .network_security_groups .get('','') puts "#{nsg.name}" ``` ## Update Security Rules You can update security rules by passing the modified attributes in the form of hash. ```ruby nsg.update_security_rules( security_rules: [ { name: '', protocol: '', source_port_range: '', destination_port_range: '', source_address_prefix: '', destination_address_prefix: '', access: '', priority: '', direction: '' } ] ) ``` `Note: You can't modify Name of a security rule.` ## Add and Remove Security Rules in a Network Security Group Add array of security rules in the form of hash. ```ruby nsg.add_security_rules( [ { name: '', protocol: '', source_port_range: '', destination_port_range: '', source_address_prefix: '', destination_address_prefix: '', access: '', priority: '', direction: '' } ] ) ``` Delete security rule by providing its name. ```ruby nsg.remove_security_rule('') ``` ## Destroy a Network Security Group Get a network security group object from the get method and then destroy that network security group. ```ruby nsg.destroy ``` ## Check Network Security Rule Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.network_security_rules.check_net_sec_rule_exists('', '', '') ``` ## Create Network Security Rule Network security rule requires a resource group and network security group to create. ```ruby fog_network_service.network_security_rules.create( name: '', resource_group: '', protocol: '', network_security_group_name: '', source_port_range: '', destination_port_range: '', source_address_prefix: 'Source IP Address Range', destination_address_prefix: 'Destination IP Address Range', access: '', priority: '', direction: '' ) ``` ## List Network Security Rules List all the network security rules in a resource group and network security group ```ruby network_security_rules = fog_network_service.network_security_rules(resource_group: '', network_security_group_name: '') network_security_rules.each do |network_security_rule| puts network_security_rule.name end ``` ## Retrieve a single Network Security Rule Get a single record of Network Security Rule ```ruby network_security_rule = fog_network_service .network_security_rules .get('','', '') puts "#{network_security_rule.name}" ``` ## Destroy a Network Security Rule Get a network security rule object from the get method and then destroy that network security rule. ```ruby network_security_rule.destroy ``` ## Check External Load Balancer Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.load_balancers.check_load_balancer_exists('', '') ``` ## Create External Load Balancer Create a new load balancer. ```ruby lb = fog_network_service.load_balancers.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: '', frontend_ip_configurations: [ { name: '', private_ipallocation_method: '', public_ipaddress_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/' } ], backend_address_pool_names: [ '' ], load_balancing_rules: [ { name: '', frontend_ip_configuration_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/', backend_address_pool_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//backendAddressPools/', protocol: '', frontend_port: '', backend_port: '', enable_floating_ip: , idle_timeout_in_minutes: , load_distribution: '' } ], inbound_nat_rules: [ { name: 'NAT Rule Name', frontend_ip_configuration_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/', protocol: '', frontend_port: '', backend_port: '' } ], tags: { key: 'value' } # [Optional] ) ``` ## Create Internal Load Balancer ```ruby lb = fog_network_service.load_balancers.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: '', frontend_ip_configurations: [ { name: '', private_ipallocation_method: '', private_ipaddress: 'IP Address', subnet_id: '' } ], backend_address_pool_names: [ '' ], load_balancing_rules: [ { name: 'Rule Name', frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/", backend_address_pool_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//backendAddressPools/", probe_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancerslb/probes/", protocol: '', frontend_port: '', backend_port: '' } ], inbound_nat_rules: [ { name: '', frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/", protocol: '', frontend_port: '', backend_port: '' }, { name: '', frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/", protocol: '', frontend_port: '', backend_port: '' } ], probes: [ { name: '', protocol: '', request_path: '', port: '', interval_in_seconds: , number_of_probes: } ], tags: { key: 'value' } # [Optional] ) ``` ## List Load Balancers List all load balancers in a resource group ```ruby lbs = fog_network_service.load_balancers(resource_group: '') lbs.each do |lb| puts "#{lb.name}" end ``` ## List Load Balancers in subscription List all load balancers in a subscription ```ruby lbs = fog_network_service.load_balancers lbs.each do |lb| puts "#{lb.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Load Balancer Get a single record of Load Balancer ```ruby lb = fog_network_service .load_balancers .get('', '') puts "#{lb.name}" ``` ## Destroy a Load Balancer Get a load balancer object from the get method and then destroy that load balancer. ```ruby lb.destroy ``` ## Check Virtual Network Gateway Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.virtual_network_gateways.check_vnet_gateway_exists('', '') ``` ## Create Virtual Network Gateway Create a new Virtual Network Gateway. ```ruby network_gateway = network.virtual_network_gateways.create( name: '', location: '', ip_configurations: [ { name: '', private_ipallocation_method:'', public_ipaddress_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', subnet_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks//subnets/', private_ipaddress: # could be 'nil' } ], resource_group: '', sku_name: '', sku_tier: '', sku_capacity: , gateway_type: '', enable_bgp: , gateway_size: , asn: , bgp_peering_address: , peer_weight: , vpn_type: '', vpn_client_address_pool: [], gateway_default_site: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/localNetworkGateways/', default_sites: [], vpn_client_configuration: { address_pool: ['', ''], root_certificates: [ { name: '', public_cert_data: '' } ], revoked_certificates: [ { name: '', thumbprint: '' } ] }, tags: { # [Optional] key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' } ) ``` ## List Virtual Network Gateways List all virtual network gateways in a resource group ```ruby network_gateways = network.virtual_network_gateways(resource_group: '') network_gateways.each do |gateway| puts "#{gateway.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve single Virtual Network Gateway Get single record of Virtual Network Gateway ```ruby network_gateway = network.virtual_network_gateways.get('', '') puts "#{network_gateway.name}" ``` ## Destroy single Virtual Network Gateway Get a virtual network gateway object from the get method and then destroy that virtual network gateway. ```ruby network_gateway.destroy ``` ## Check Local Network Gateway Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.local_network_gateways.check_local_net_gateway_exists('', '') ``` ## Create Local Network Gateway Create a new Local Network Gateway. ```ruby local_network_gateway = network.local_network_gateways.create( name: "", location: '', resource_group: "", gateway_ip_address: '', local_network_address_space_prefixes: [], asn: , bgp_peering_address: '', peer_weight: , tags: { # [Optional] key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }, ) ``` ## List Local Network Gateways List all local network gateways in a resource group ```ruby local_network_gateways = network.local_network_gateways(resource_group: '') local_network_gateways.each do |gateway| puts "#{gateway.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve single Local Network Gateway Get single record of Local Network Gateway ```ruby local_network_gateway = network.local_network_gateways.get('', '') puts "#{local_network_gateway.name}" ``` ## Destroy single Local Network Gateway Get a local network gateway object from the get method and then destroy that local network gateway. ```ruby local_network_gateway.destroy ``` # Express Route Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute lets you extend your on-premises networks into the Microsoft cloud over a dedicated private connection facilitated by a connectivity provider. For more details about express route [click here](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/expressroute-introduction/). # Express Route Circuit The Circuit represents the entity created by customer to register with an express route service provider with intent to connect to Microsoft. ## Check Express Route Circuit Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.express_route_circuits.check_express_route_circuit_exists('', '') ``` ## Create an Express Route Circuit Create a new Express Route Circuit. ```ruby circuit = network.express_route_circuits.create( name: '', location: '', resource_group: '', sku_name: '', sku_tier: '', sku_family: '', service_provider_name: '', peering_location: '', bandwidth_in_mbps: , peerings: [ { name: '', peering_type: '', peer_asn: , primary_peer_address_prefix: '', secondary_peer_address_prefix: '', vlan_id: } ], tags: { # [Optional] key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' } ) ``` ## List Express Route Circuits List all express route circuits in a resource group ```ruby circuits = network.express_route_circuits(resource_group: '') circuits.each do |circuit| puts "#{circuit.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Express Route Circuit Get a single record of Express Route Circuit ```ruby circuit = network.express_route_circuits.get('', '') puts "#{circuit.name}" ``` ## Destroy a single Express Route Circuit Get an express route circuit object from the get method and then destroy that express route circuit. ```ruby circuit.destroy ``` # Express Route Authorization Authorization is part of Express Route circuit. ## Check Express Route Circuit Authorization Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.express_route_circuit_authorizations.check_express_route_cir_auth_exists('', '', '') ``` ## Create an Express Route Circuit Authorization Create a new Express Route Circuit Authorization. Parameter 'authorization_status' can be 'Available' or 'InUse'. ```ruby authorization = network.express_route_circuit_authorizations.create( resource_group: '', name: '', circuit_name: '', authorization_status: '', authorization_name: '' ) ``` ## List Express Route Circuit Authorizations List all express route circuit authorizations in a resource group. ```ruby authorizations = network.express_route_circuit_authorizations(resource_group: '', circuit_name: '') authorizations.each do |authorization| puts "#{authorization.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve single Express Route Circuit Authorization Get a single record of Express Route Circuit Authorization. ```ruby authorization = network.express_route_circuit_authorizations.get('', '', '') puts "#{authorization.name}" ``` ## Destroy single Express Route Circuit Authorization Get an express route circuit authorization object from the get method and then destroy that express route circuit authorization. ```ruby authorization.destroy ``` # Express Route Peering BGP Peering is part of Express Route circuit and defines the type of connectivity needed with Microsoft. ## Create an Express Route Circuit Peering Create a new Express Route Circuit Peering. ```ruby peering = network.express_route_circuit_peerings.create( name: '', circuit_name: '', resource_group: '', peering_type: '', peer_asn: , primary_peer_address_prefix: '', secondary_peer_address_prefix:'', vlan_id: ) ``` ## List Express Route Circuit Peerings List all express route circuit peerings in a resource group ```ruby peerings = network.express_route_circuit_peerings(resource_group: '', circuit_name: '') peerings.each do |peering| puts "#{peering.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve single Express Route Circuit Peering Get a single record of Express Route Circuit Peering ```ruby peering = network.express_route_circuit_peerings.get('', '', '') puts "#{peering.peering_type}" ``` ## Destroy single Express Route Circuit Peering Get an express route circuit peering object from the get method and then destroy that express route circuit peering. ```ruby peering.destroy ``` # Express Route Service Provider Express Route Service Providers are telcos and exchange providers who are approved in the system to provide Express Route connectivity. ## List Express Route Service Providers List all express route service providers ```ruby service_providers = network.express_route_service_providers puts service_providers ``` ## Check Virtual Network Gateway Connection Existence ```ruby fog_network_service.virtual_network_gateway_connections.check_vnet_gateway_connection_exists('', '') ``` ## Create Virtual Network Gateway Connection Create a new Virtual Network Gateway Connection. ```ruby gateway_connection = network.virtual_network_gateway_connections.create( name: '', location: '', resource_group: '', virtual_network_gateway1: { name: '', resource_group: '' }, virtual_network_gateway2: { name: '', resource_group: '' } connection_type: '', tags: { # [Optional] key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }, ) ``` ## List Virtual Network Gateway Connections List all virtual network gateway connections in a resource group ```ruby gateway_connections = network.virtual_network_gateway_connections(resource_group: '') gateway_connections.each do |connection| puts "#{connection.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve single Virtual Network Gateway Connection Get single record of Virtual Network Gateway Connection ```ruby gateway_connection = network.virtual_network_gateway_connections.get('', '') puts "#{gateway_connection.name}" ``` ## Destroy single Virtual Network Gateway Connection Get a virtual network gateway connection object from the get method and then destroy that virtual network gateway connection. ```ruby gateway_connection.destroy ``` ## Get the shared key for a connection ```ruby shared_key = network.get_connection_shared_key('', '') puts gateway_connection ``` ## Set the shared key for a connection ```ruby network.set_connection_shared_key('', '', 'Value') ``` ## Reset the shared key for a connection ```ruby network.reset_connection_shared_key('', '', '') ``` ## Support and Feedback Your feedback is highly appreciated! If you have specific issues with the fog ARM, you should file an issue via Github.