class Gon module Base ENV_CONTROLLER_KEY = 'action_controller.instance' class << self def render_data(options) namespace, tag, cameled, camel_depth, watch, type, cdata, global_root, namespace_check = parse_options(options) script = namespace_check ? "window.#{namespace}=window.#{namespace}||{};" : "window.#{namespace}={};" script << formatted_data(namespace, cameled, camel_depth, watch, global_root) script = Gon::Escaper.escape_unicode(script) script = Gon::Escaper.javascript_tag(script, type, cdata) if tag script.html_safe end def render_data_amd(options) namespace, tag, cameled, camel_depth, watch, type, cdata, global_root = parse_options(options) script = "define('#{namespace}',[],function(){" script << amd_formatted_data(namespace, cameled, camel_depth, watch, global_root) script << 'return gon;});' script = Gon::Escaper.escape_unicode(script) script = Gon::Escaper.javascript_tag(script, type, cdata) if tag script.html_safe end def get_controller(options = {}) options[:controller] || ( current_gon && current_gon.env[Gon::Base::ENV_CONTROLLER_KEY] || current_gon.env['action_controller.rescue.response']. instance_variable_get('@template'). instance_variable_get('@controller') ) end def get_template_path(options, extension) if options[:template] if right_extension?(extension, options[:template]) options[:template] else [options[:template], extension].join('.') end else controller = get_controller(options).controller_path action = get_controller(options).action_name "app/views/#{controller}/#{action}.json.#{extension}" end end private def current_gon[:gon] end def parse_options(options) namespace = options[:namespace] || 'gon' need_tag = options[:need_tag].nil? || options[:need_tag] cameled = options[:camel_case] camel_depth = options[:camel_depth] || 1 watch = options[:watch] || ! tag = need_tag type = options[:type].nil? || options[:type] cdata = options[:cdata].nil? || options[:cdata] global_root = options.has_key?(:global_root) ? options[:global_root] : 'global' namespace_check = options.has_key?(:namespace_check) ? options[:namespace_check] : false [namespace, tag, cameled, camel_depth, watch, type, cdata, global_root, namespace_check] end def formatted_data(namespace, keys_cameled, camel_depth, watch, global_root) script = '' gon_variables(global_root).each do |key, val| js_key = keys_cameled ? key.to_s.camelize(:lower) : key.to_s script << "#{namespace}.#{js_key}=#{to_json(val, camel_depth)};" end if watch and Gon::Watch.all_variables.present? script << end script end def amd_formatted_data(namespace, keys_cameled, camel_depth, watch, global_root) script = 'var gon={};' gon_variables(global_root).each do |key, val| js_key = keys_cameled ? key.to_s.camelize(:lower) : key.to_s script << "gon['#{js_key}']=#{to_json(val, camel_depth)};" end if watch and Gon::Watch.all_variables.present? script << end script end def to_json(value, camel_depth) # starts at 2 because 1 is the root key which is converted in the formatted_data method Gon::JsonDumper.dump convert_hash_keys(value, 2, camel_depth) end def convert_hash_keys(value, current_depth, max_depth) return value if current_depth > (max_depth.is_a?(Symbol) ? 1000 : max_depth) case value when Hash Hash[ { |k, v| [ k.to_s.camelize(:lower), convert_hash_keys(v, current_depth + 1, max_depth) ] }] when Enumerable { |v| convert_hash_keys(v, current_depth + 1, max_depth) } else value end end def gon_variables(global_root) data = {} if if global_root.blank? data = else data[global_root.to_sym] = end end data.merge(Gon.all_variables) end def right_extension?(extension, template_path) File.extname(template_path) == ".#{extension}" end end end end