class Proc < `Function` `def.$$is_proc = true` `def.$$is_lambda = false` def unless block raise ArgumentError, "tried to create a Proc object without a block" end block end def call(*args, &block) %x{ if (block !== nil) { self.$$p = block; } var result, $brk = self.$$brk; if ($brk) { try { if (self.$$is_lambda) { result = self.apply(null, args); } else { result = Opal.yieldX(self, args); } } catch (err) { if (err === $brk) { return $brk.$v } else { throw err } } } else { if (self.$$is_lambda) { result = self.apply(null, args); } else { result = Opal.yieldX(self, args); } } return result; } end alias [] call alias === call alias yield call def to_proc self end def lambda? # This method should tell the user if the proc tricks are unavailable, # (see Proc#lambda? on ruby docs to find out more). `!!self.$$is_lambda` end def arity %x{ if (self.$$is_curried) { return -1; } else { return self.$$arity; } } end def source_location `if (self.$$is_curried) { return nil; }` nil end def binding `if (self.$$is_curried) { #{raise ArgumentError, "Can't create Binding"} }` nil end def parameters %x{ if (self.$$is_curried) { return #{[[:rest]]}; } else if (self.$$parameters) { if (self.$$is_lambda) { return self.$$parameters; } else { var result = [], i, length; for (i = 0, length = self.$$parameters.length; i < length; i++) { var parameter = self.$$parameters[i]; if (parameter[0] === 'req') { // required arguments always have name parameter = ['opt', parameter[1]]; } result.push(parameter); } return result; } } else { return []; } } end def curry(arity = undefined) %x{ if (arity === undefined) { arity = self.length; } else { arity = #{Opal.coerce_to!(arity, Integer, :to_int)}; if (self.$$is_lambda && arity !== self.length) { #{raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{`arity`} for #{`self.length`})"} } } function curried () { var args = $, length = args.length, result; if (length > arity && self.$$is_lambda && !self.$$is_curried) { #{raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{`length`} for #{`arity`})"} } if (length >= arity) { return self.$call.apply(self, args); } result = function () { return curried.apply(null, args.concat($; } result.$$is_lambda = self.$$is_lambda; result.$$is_curried = true; return result; }; curried.$$is_lambda = self.$$is_lambda; curried.$$is_curried = true; return curried; } end def dup %x{ var original_proc = self.$$original_proc || self, proc = function () { return original_proc.apply(this, arguments); }; for (var prop in self) { if (self.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { proc[prop] = self[prop]; } } return proc; } end alias clone dup end