module Ownlan class Cli def self.options Trollop::options do version "OwnLan (c) 2016 Sidney Sissaoui, published under the MIT Licence" banner <<-EOS -- Ownlan is a simple, useful yet awesome pentesting LAN poisoning suite. -- Usage: ownlan --[options] [sub-options] --[other-option] Example: ownlan --attack client --target-ip --interface eth0 --delay 0 where [options] are either: EOS opt :attack, "Set an attack on a device on the network", short: 'a', type: :string opt :protect, "Protect a device from lan attacks", short: 'p', type: :string opt :broadcast, "Inject ARP crafted packets in the wire", short: 'b', type: :string opt :capture, "Sniffing ARP packets on the network", short: 'c', type: :string # Attack part banner <<-EOS where [sub-options] are either: Attacks sub-options : client Set a First-Duplex disconnection attack (the client is targeted). If no source mac argument, yours will be given (useful for MITM Attacks). * Require options: victim_ip gateway Set a Second-Duplex disconnection attack (the gateway is targeted). If no source mac argument, yours will be given (useful for MITM Attacks). * Require options: victim_ip ntoa The client is targeted to get disconnected, using a neighbour table overflow attack. Requires a victim ip. * Require options: victim_ip * Falcultative options: random_source_mac fake-ip-conflict Generate a fake ip conflict to the victim. Can be used along all the others attacks, or alone. * Require options: victim_ip EOS # Protect part banner <<-EOS Protect sub-options: stealth Becomes invisible from network scanners, preventing you from getting targeted. static Set a static ARP Cache for the current session. Good against first-duplex ARP Cache Poisoning. freeze Reset and Freeze your ARP Cache. Good against NTOAs. resynchronize Resynchronize the Gateway ARP Cache by sending to it continuous healthy correspondancies packets to protect someone or yourself from gateway attack. (reveive IP or MAC argument) EOS # Broadcast part banner <<-EOS Send sub-options: EOS # Capture part banner <<-EOS Capture sub-options: EOS # Other options part banner <<-EOS Other Options: EOS opt :delay, "Set the time lapse delay between each packet", default: 0.5 opt :interface, "Set the network interface which will be used", short: 'i', default: 'wlan0' opt :random_source_mac, "If setted, the used origin addresses will be randomly generated. If not specified, the corresponding mac of your given interface will be used #{mac=ServiceObjects::NetworkInformation.self_mac('wlan0') ; ', in your case ' + mac + ' for wlan0' if !mac.empty?}" opt :victim_ip, "Set the ip of the target ip address.", short: 't', type: :string opt :source_mac, "Set the mac of the source mac address.", short: 's', type: :string end end end end