require "mobility/util" require "mobility/backends/sequel" require "mobility/backends/key_value" require "mobility/sequel/model_translation" module Mobility module Backends =begin Implements the {Mobility::Backends::Table} backend for Sequel models. =end class Sequel::Table include Sequel include Table include Util require 'mobility/backends/sequel/table/query_methods' # @return [Symbol] name of the association method attr_reader :association_name # @return [Symbol] class for translations attr_reader :translation_class # @!macro backend_constructor def initialize(model, attribute, options = {}) super @translation_class = options[:model_class].const_get(options[:subclass_name]) end # @!group Backend Configuration # @option options [Symbol] association_name (:translations) Name of association method # @option options [Symbol] table_name Name of translation table # @option options [Symbol] foreign_key Name of foreign key # @option options [Symbol] subclass_name Name of subclass to append to model class to generate translation class # @raise [CacheRequired] if cache option is false def self.configure(options) raise CacheRequired, "Cache required for Sequel::Table backend" if options[:cache] == false table_name = options[:model_class].table_name options[:table_name] ||= :"#{singularize(table_name)}_translations" options[:foreign_key] ||= foreign_key(camelize(singularize(table_name.to_s.downcase))) if association_name = options[:association_name] options[:subclass_name] ||= camelize(singularize(association_name)) else options[:association_name] = :translations options[:subclass_name] ||= :Translation end %i[table_name foreign_key association_name subclass_name].each { |key| options[key] = options[key].to_sym } end # @!endgroup setup do |attributes, options| association_name = options[:association_name] subclass_name = options[:subclass_name] translation_class = if self.const_defined?(subclass_name, false) const_get(subclass_name, false) else const_set(subclass_name,[:table_name]))).tap do |klass| klass.include ::Mobility::Sequel::ModelTranslation end end one_to_many association_name, class:, key: options[:foreign_key], reciprocal: :translated_model translation_class.many_to_one :translated_model, class: name, key: options[:foreign_key], reciprocal: association_name plugin :association_dependencies, association_name => :destroy callback_methods = do define_method :after_save do super() cache_accessor = instance_variable_get(:"@__mobility_#{association_name}_cache") cache_accessor.each_value do |translation| ? : send("add_#{Util.singularize(association_name)}", translation) end if cache_accessor end end include callback_methods include end setup_query_methods(QueryMethods) def translation_for(locale, _) translation = model.send(association_name).find { |t| t.locale == locale.to_s } translation ||= locale) translation end module Cache include Table::Cache private def translations (model.send(association_name) + cache.values).uniq end end class CacheRequired < ::StandardError; end end end end