require_relative "nav/version" module Nav def nav( options = {}, &block ) builder = self, options ) yield( builder ) builder.to_html if builder.actions? end private class Builder def initialize( template, options = {} ) @template, @options = template, options @actions = [] end def action( name, options = {}, html_options = {} ) wrapper_options = { :current => html_options.delete(:current), :disabled => html_options.delete(:disabled), :force_current => html_options.delete(:force_current), :url => options, :prepend => html_options.delete(:prepend), :append => html_options.delete(:append) } @actions << [link_to(name, options, html_options), wrapper_options, options] end def actions?; @actions.any?; end def to_html content_tag( :ul, actions.html_safe, @options ).html_safe end private def actions @actions.collect{ |a| action_wrapper(*a) }.join end def action_wrapper( contents, options = {}, url_for_options = {} ) present = [contents, options, url_for_options] # the one we're dealing with present_index = @actions.index( present ) before_present = present_index - 1 ) if present_index > 0 after_present = present_index + 1 ) if present_index < @actions.size classes = [] classes << "first" if @actions.first == present classes << "last" if @actions.last == present classes << "current" if current?( *present ) classes << "disabled" if options.delete(:disabled) classes << "before_current" if after_present && current?( *after_present ) classes << "after_current" if before_present && current?( *before_present ) classes << classes.join("_") if classes.any? contents = options[:prepend].to_s + contents + options[:append].to_s content_tag :li, contents.html_safe, :class => classes.join(" ") end def current?( contents, options = {}, url_for_options = {} ) current = options[:current] is_current = case current when TrueClass then true when Regexp then request_uri.match(current).nil? ? false : true when Proc then else false end return true if is_current && !options[:disabled] && options[:force_current] return true if is_current || !url_for_options.is_a?(Symbol) && @template.current_page?(url_for_options) && url_for_options != {} && !options[:disabled] false end def request_uri @request_uri or @request_uri = @template.request.request_uri end def content_tag( *args ) @template.content_tag( *args ).html_safe end def link_to( *args ) @template.link_to( *args ).html_safe end end end ActionView::Base.send :include, Nav