module Paperclip module Storage module Fog def self.extended base begin require 'fog' rescue LoadError => e e.message << " (You may need to install the fog gem)" raise e end unless defined?(Fog) base.instance_eval do @fog_directory = @options[:fog_directory] @fog_credentials = @options[:fog_credentials] @fog_host = @options[:fog_host] @fog_public = @options[:fog_public] @url = ':fog_public_url' Paperclip.interpolates(:fog_public_url) do |attachment, style| attachment.public_url(style) end unless Paperclip::Interpolations.respond_to? :fog_public_url end end def exists?(style = default_style) if original_filename !!directory.files.head(path(style)) else false end end def flush_writes for style, file in @queued_for_write do log("saving #{path(style)}") directory.files.create( :body => file, :key => path(style), :public => @fog_public ) end @queued_for_write = {} end def flush_deletes for path in @queued_for_delete do log("deleting #{path}") => path).destroy end @queued_for_delete = [] end # Returns representation of the data of the file assigned to the given # style, in the format most representative of the current storage. def to_file(style = default_style) if @queued_for_write[style] @queued_for_write[style] else body = directory.files.get(path(style)).body filename = path(style) extname = File.extname(filename) basename = File.basename(filename, extname) file =[basename, extname]) file.binmode file.write(body) file.rewind file end end def public_url(style = default_style) if @fog_host "#{@fog_host}/#{path(style)}" else => path(style)).public_url end end private def connection @connection ||= end def directory @directory ||= begin connection.directories.get(@fog_directory) || connection.directories.create( :key => @fog_directory, :public => @fog_public ) end end end end end