/** * Braintree client interface * @external "braintree.Client" * @see {@link https://braintree.github.io/braintree-web/current/Client.html|Braintree Client Docs} **/ /** * Braintree paypal interface * @external "braintree.PayPal" * @see {@link https://braintree.github.io/braintree-web/current/PayPal.html|Braintree Paypal Docs} **/ /** * Braintree paypal interface * @external "braintree.ApplePay" * @see {@link https://braintree.github.io/braintree-web/current/ApplePay.html|Braintree Apple Pay Docs} **/ /** * Braintree dataCollector interface * @external "braintree.DataCollector" * @see {@link https://braintree.github.io/braintree-web/current/DataCollector.html|Braintree DataCollector Docs} **/ /** * jQuery.Deferred interface * * We use this for our promises because ES6 promises are non standard, and because jquery 1/2 * promises do not play nicely with them. * @external "jQuery.Deferred" * @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/|jQuery Deferred Documentation} **/ /** * Represents a wrapper around the braintree js library. * * This class is responsible for fetching tokens from a solidus store and using them * to manage a braintree client. It takes a number of options as capabilities for the client * depending on if you want to use use the data collector or paypal. * * We use this class mostly to hide the token operations for users. * * After creating the class, a call should be made to initialize before using it. * @see initialize * * @constructor * @param {Object} config Initalization options for the client * @param {Boolean} config.useDataCollector Use data collector capabilities for the braintree client * @param {Boolean} config.usePaypal Use Paypal capabilities for the braintree client * @param {requestCallback} config.readyCallback A callback to be invoked when the client is ready to go. * @param {Number} config.paymentMethodId A number indicating a specific payment method to be preferrred. * **/ SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client = function(config) { this.paymentMethodId = config.paymentMethodId; this.readyCallback = config.readyCallback; this.useDataCollector = config.useDataCollector; this.usePaypal = config.usePaypal; this.useApplepay = config.useApplepay; this._braintreeInstance = null; this._dataCollectorInstance = null; this._paypalInstance = null; }; /** * Fetches a client token from the backend and initializes the braintree client. * @returns {external:"jQuery.Deferred"} Promise to be invoked after initialization is complete **/ SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype.initialize = function() { var initializationPromise = this._fetchToken(). then(this._createBraintreeInstance.bind(this)); if(this.useDataCollector) { initializationPromise = initializationPromise.then(this._createDataCollector.bind(this)); } if(this.usePaypal) { initializationPromise = initializationPromise.then(this._createPaypal.bind(this)); } if(this.useApplepay) { initializationPromise = initializationPromise.then(this._createApplepay.bind(this)); } return initializationPromise.then(this._invokeReadyCallback.bind(this)); }; /** * Returns the braintree client instance * @returns {external:"braintree.Client"} The braintree client that was initialized by this class **/ SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype.getBraintreeInstance = function() { return this._braintreeInstance; }; /** * Returns the braintree paypal instance * @returns {external:"braintree.PayPal"} The braintree paypal that was initialized by this class **/ SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype.getPaypalInstance = function() { return this._paypalInstance; }; /** * Returns the braintree Apple Pay instance * @returns {external:"braintree.ApplePay"} The Braintree Apple Pay that was initialized by this class **/ SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype.getApplepayInstance = function() { return this._applepayInstance; }; /** * Returns the braintree dataCollector instance * @returns {external:"braintree.DataCollector"} The braintree dataCollector that was initialized by this class **/ SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype.getDataCollectorInstance = function() { return this._dataCollectorInstance; }; SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype._fetchToken = function() { var payload = { dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', url: SolidusPaypalBraintree.config.paths.clientTokens, error: function(xhr) { console.error("Error fetching braintree token"); } }; if (this.paymentMethodId) { payload.data = { payment_method_id: this.paymentMethodId }; } return Spree.ajax(payload); }; SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype._createBraintreeInstance = function(tokenResponse) { this.paymentMethodId = tokenResponse.payment_method_id; return SolidusPaypalBraintree.PromiseShim.convertBraintreePromise(braintree.client.create, [{ authorization: tokenResponse.client_token }]).then(function (clientInstance) { this._braintreeInstance = clientInstance; return clientInstance; }.bind(this)); }; SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype._invokeReadyCallback = function() { if(this.readyCallback) { this.readyCallback(this._braintreeInstance); } return this; }; SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype._createDataCollector = function() { return SolidusPaypalBraintree.PromiseShim.convertBraintreePromise(braintree.dataCollector.create, [{ client: this._braintreeInstance, paypal: !!this.usePaypal }]).then(function (dataCollectorInstance) { this._dataCollectorInstance = dataCollectorInstance; return dataCollectorInstance; }.bind(this)); }; SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype._createPaypal = function() { return SolidusPaypalBraintree.PromiseShim.convertBraintreePromise(braintree.paypalCheckout.create, [{ client: this._braintreeInstance }]).then(function (paypalInstance) { this._paypalInstance = paypalInstance; return paypalInstance; }.bind(this)); }; SolidusPaypalBraintree.Client.prototype._createApplepay = function() { return SolidusPaypalBraintree.PromiseShim.convertBraintreePromise(braintree.applePay.create, [{ client: this._braintreeInstance }]).then(function (applePayInstance) { this._applepayInstance = applePayInstance; return applePayInstance; }.bind(this)); };