Generated Narrative with Details
id: medadminexample03
status: on-hold
medication: id: med0303; Alemtuzumab 10mg/ml (Lemtrada) (Details : {RxNorm code '1594660' = '1594660', given as 'Alemtuzumab 10mg/ml (Lemtrada)'})
subject: Donald Duck
context: Encounter/f001
supportingInformation: Condition/f204
effective: Jan 15, 2015 2:30:00 PM --> Jan 15, 2015 2:30:00 PM
notGiven: true
reasonNotGiven: Administration of medication not done due to a contraindication (situation) (Details : {SNOMED CT code '373147003' = 'Medication not administered because contraindicated', given as 'Administration of medication not done due to a contraindication (situation)'})
prescription: MedicationRequest/medrx0317
note: Patient started Bupropion this morning - will administer in a reduced dose tomorrow