module Cucumber module Rails module Capybara module JavascriptEmulation def self.included(base) base.class_eval do alias_method :click_without_javascript_emulation, :click alias_method :click, :click_with_javascript_emulation end end def click_with_javascript_emulation if link_with_non_get_http_method?, js_form(element_node.document, self[:href], emulated_method)).submit(self) else click_without_javascript_emulation end end private def js_form(document, action, emulated_method, method = 'POST') js_form = document.create_element('form') js_form['action'] = action js_form['method'] = method if emulated_method and emulated_method.downcase != method.downcase input = document.create_element('input') input['type'] = 'hidden' input['name'] = '_method' input['value'] = emulated_method js_form.add_child(input) end js_form end def link_with_non_get_http_method? if ::Rails.version.to_f >= 3.0 tag_name == 'a' && element_node['data-method'] && element_node['data-method'] =~ /(?:delete|put|post)/ else tag_name == 'a' && element_node['onclick'] && element_node['onclick'] =~ /var f = document\.createElement\('form'\); f\.style\.display = 'none';/ end end def emulated_method if ::Rails.version.to_f >= 3.0 element_node['data-method'] else element_node['onclick'][/m\.setAttribute\('value', '([^']*)'\)/, 1] end end def element_node if self.respond_to? :native self.native else warn "DEPRECATED: cucumber-rails loves you, just not your version of Capybara. Please update Capybara to >= 0.4.0" self.node end end end end end end class Capybara::RackTest::Node include ::Cucumber::Rails::Capybara::JavascriptEmulation end Before('~@no-js-emulation') do # Enable javascript emulation ::Capybara::RackTest::Node.class_eval do alias_method :click, :click_with_javascript_emulation end end Before('@no-js-emulation') do # Disable javascript emulation ::Capybara::RackTest::Node.class_eval do alias_method :click, :click_without_javascript_emulation end end