de: activerecord: attributes: user: first_name: "first name" last_name: "last name" email: "email" password: 'password' password_confirmation: 'password confirmation' authentication: admin_disabled_confirmation: 'you have stripped this user of the administrator privileges' admin_enabled_confirmation: 'you have empowered this user to be an administrator' create_account: 'create your account' disable_admin: 'disable' enable_admin: 'enable' forgot_password: "forgot your password?" login_confirmation: "You have been logged in!" login_now: "log in" logout: "log out" logout_confirmation: "You have been logged out!" name: 'name' not_registered: "you don't have an account yet?" password_reset_confirmation: "Your password has been successfully reset!" password_reset_email_subject: "Password reset" reset_instructions: "To reset your password, click or visit this link: %{reset_url} \n\nIf you did not request your password to be reset, please ignore this email. Your password will stay as it is." reset_password_email_sent_confirmation: "We have emailed you a link to reset your password." reset_your_password: "Reset Password" signup_confirmation: "Your account has been created and you have been logged in!" update_password: "Update Password" warning: email_or_password_invalid: "Email or password is invalid" login_needed: "You must be logged in to access this page. You have been redirected to the login form." no_such_email: "We do not have any accounts with the email you have provided." password_reset_expired: "Password reset has expired. There was a 24 hours grace period" restricted_access: "This section is reserved to the site's administrators. Contact the site owner if you would like access to be granted to you." # leaving these until I have used up all the ones I need. access_control: already_signed_up_message: "You already have a La Source account. Please login to your existing account." email_hint: This address will be used as your login id email_must_be_valid: Please enter a valid email address before submitting have_an_account: 'have an account?' hello: hello hello_name: "Hi %{name}," invalid_email_or_password: "Invalid email or password. Please double check your data, modify it, and resubmit the form" login: "log in" login_now_in_text: log in here my_profile: 'my profile' new_password: New Password new_password_confirmation: New Password confirmation not_authorized_alert: "You are not authorized to access this page. You have been redirected to the home page." or: "or" password: password password_confirmation: password confirmation password_must_match_confirmation: 'the password and the password confirmation must match' password_on_its_way: "A new password has been generated. It will be emailed within 24 hours to %{email_address}." password_reset: Password reset phone_entry_request: "If enrolling in a course, we would appreciate at least one phone number." please_log_in: Please log in to see your personal information. remember_me: "stay logged in" signup: "create an account" signup_now: "create an account" valid_email_needed: 'Please enter a valid email address'