require 'validates_email_format_of' require 'aasm' module Fe class ReferenceSheet < ApplicationRecord include Fe::AnswerSheetConcern include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers include AASM include AccessKeyGenerator attr_accessor :allow_quiet_reference_email_changes self.table_name = "#{Fe.table_name_prefix}references" self.inheritance_column = 'fake' scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) } belongs_to :question, class_name: 'Fe::ReferenceQuestion', foreign_key: 'question_id' belongs_to :applicant_answer_sheet, class_name: "::#{Fe.answer_sheet_class}", foreign_key: "applicant_answer_sheet_id" # using belongs_to :question_sheet doesn't work, it uses the Fe::AnswerSheetConcern#question_sheet implementation belongs_to :question_sheet_ref, optional: true, class_name: 'Fe::QuestionSheet', foreign_key: :question_sheet_id validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :phone, :email, :relationship, on: :update, message: "can't be blank" validates :email, email_format: { on: :update, message: "doesn't look right." } delegate :style, to: :question before_save :reset_reference, if: :new_reference_requested? after_save :notify_old_reference_not_needed, if: :new_reference_requested? before_create :set_question_sheet after_destroy :notify_reference_of_deletion after_create :update_visible aasm column: :status do state :started, enter: { update(started_at: } state :created, initial: true state :completed, enter: { update(submitted_at: # SpReferenceMailer.deliver_completed(ref) =begin Fe::Notifier.notification(, # RECIPIENTS Fe.from_email, # FROM # TODO "Reference Completed", # LIQUID TEMPLATE NAME {'first_name' => person.nickname, 'site_url' => "#{APP_CONFIG['spgive_url']}/#{person.sp_gcx_site}/", 'username' => person.user.username, 'password' => person.user.password_plain}).deliver =end # SpReferenceMailer.deliver_completed_confirmation(ref) =begin Fe::Notifier.notification(, # RECIPIENTS Fe.from_email, # FROM "Reference Completed To Applicant", # LIQUID TEMPLATE NAME # TODO {'first_name' => person.nickname, 'site_url' => "#{APP_CONFIG['spgive_url']}/#{person.sp_gcx_site}/", 'username' => person.user.username, 'password' => person.user.password_plain}).deliver =end applicant_answer_sheet.complete(self) } event :start do transitions to: :started, from: :created end event :submit do transitions to: :completed, from: :started transitions to: :completed, from: :created end event :unsubmit do transitions to: :started, from: :completed end end alias_method :application, :applicant_answer_sheet delegate :applicant, to: :application def computed_visibility_cache_key return @computed_visibility_cache_key if @computed_visibility_cache_key return nil unless question # keep from crashing for tests answers = Fe::Answer.where(question_id: question.visibility_affecting_element_ids, answer_sheet_id: applicant_answer_sheet) answers.collect(&:cache_key_with_version).join('/') end def update_visible(page = nil) if visibility_cache_key == computed_visibility_cache_key visible else self.visible = question.visible?(applicant_answer_sheet, page) self.visibility_cache_key = computed_visibility_cache_key # save only these columns and don't check validations, but do record updated_at # as it is significant enough of an event that we probably want that to set updated_at Fe::ReferenceSheet.where(id: id).update_all(visibility_cache_key: self.computed_visibility_cache_key, visible: self.visible, updated_at: end end def frozen? !%w(started created).include?(self.status) end def email_sent?() !self.email_sent_at.nil? end # send email invite def send_invite(host) return if application = self.applicant_answer_sheet Notifier.notification(, Fe.from_email, "Reference Invite", {'reference_full_name' =>, 'applicant_full_name' =>, 'applicant_email' =>, 'applicant_home_phone' =>, 'reference_url' => edit_fe_reference_sheet_url(self, a: self.access_key, host: host)}).deliver_now # Send notification to applicant Notifier.notification(, # RECIPIENTS Fe.from_email, # FROM "Reference Notification to Applicant", # LIQUID TEMPLATE NAME {'applicant_full_name' =>, 'reference_full_name' =>, 'reference_email' =>, 'application_url' => edit_fe_answer_sheet_url(applicant_answer_sheet, host: host)}).deliver_now self.email_sent_at = false) true end def name [first_name, last_name].join(' ') end def reference self end def to_s name end def reference? true end # Can't rely on answer_sheet's implementation for old reference's that might have id's that may match an application id def question_sheet question_sheet_ref end def question_sheets [question_sheet_ref] end def question_sheet_ids [question_sheet_id].compact end def display_type question.label.split(/:| \(/).first end def optional? question.try(:hidden?, applicant_answer_sheet) end def required? question.required?(applicant_answer_sheet) && !optional? end def all_affecting_questions_answered return false unless question question.visibility_affecting_questions.all? { |q| q.has_response?(applicant_answer_sheet) } end protected def set_question_sheet self.question_sheet_id = question.try(:related_question_sheet_id) end # if the email address has changed, we have to trash the old reference answers def reset_reference answers.destroy_all # Every time the email address changes, generate a new access_key generate_access_key self.email_sent_at = nil self.status = 'created' end def notify_old_reference_not_needed return unless email_sent_at_was.present? && email_was.present? notify_reference_not_needed(self, email_was, first_name_was, last_name_was) end def notify_reference_of_deletion return unless email_sent_at.present? && email.present? notify_reference_not_needed(self, email, first_name, last_name) end def notify_reference_not_needed(ref, ref_email, ref_first_name, ref_last_name) # inform referrer that they no longer need to fill out reference Fe::Notifier.notification( ref_email, # RECIPIENTS Fe.from_email, # FROM 'Reference Deleted', { 'reference_full_name' => "#{ref_first_name} #{ref_last_name}", 'applicant_full_name' => } ).deliver_now end def new_reference_requested? !allow_quiet_reference_email_changes && !new_record? && !completed? && email_changed? end end end