require: rubocop-rspec # Reference: # # Keep this in alphabetical order. # Each override should have a comment (even if it's just "default is bad") AllCops: NewCops: enable Exclude: - db/schema* - .bundle/**/* - tmp/**/* - vendor/**/* DisplayCopNames: true DisplayStyleGuide: true TargetRubyVersion: 2.4 # all of our layout customisations are because we prefer indentation to be # always consistently 2 spaces, for blocks, scopes, multiline expressions, etc # e.g. # class Klass # def method(arg1, # arg2) # value = if arg1 == 'value' && arg2 == 'value' # method2 # .method(arg_a, arg_b, # arg_c, arg_d, keyword1: true, # keyword2: true) do # @last = [ # arg_a, arg_b, # arg_c, arg_d # ] # end # end # value # end # end # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/HashAlignment: EnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle: always_ignore # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/ParameterAlignment: EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/BlockAlignment: EnforcedStyleAlignWith: start_of_block # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/CaseIndentation: EnforcedStyle: end # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/EndAlignment: EnforcedStyleAlignWith: start_of_line # Aligning Assignments, etc makes diffs noisy Layout/ExtraSpacing: AllowForAlignment: false # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/FirstArrayElementLineBreak: Enabled: true # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/FirstHashElementLineBreak: Enabled: true # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/FirstArgumentIndentation: EnforcedStyle: consistent # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation: EnforcedStyle: consistent # to match our preference for consistent indentation Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation: EnforcedStyle: consistent Layout/LineLength: Max: 120 # to match our preference for consistent indentation # and hanging assignment looks lost Layout/MultilineAssignmentLayout: EnforcedStyle: same_line # this changes our preferred: # value = if thing1 && # thing2 # to: # value = if thing1 && # thing2 # even though the IndentationWidth is 2 # but it's right most of the time so I put up with it Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation: EnforcedStyle: indented Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: EnforcedStyle: indented # Temporarily disable this spec as a recent change has broken it for us: # Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment: Enabled: false Metrics: CountComments: false Metrics/BlockLength: ExcludedMethods: - configure - describe - context - shared_examples Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Enabled: false Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Enabled: false RSpec: Enabled: true Include: - 'spec/**/*.rb' RSpec/DescribeClass: Enabled: false # I misuse matchers often RSpec/ExpectActual: Enabled: false RSpec/FilePath: Enabled: false # Multiple expectations are useful # checking you've partially achieved something on the way to completely achieving it is useful for debugging failures RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Enabled: false # It should be obvious from context. Chill out rubocop RSpec/NamedSubject: Enabled: false RSpec/NestedGroups: Max: 7 # This matches the style we've been using all along (ever so slightly more frequently) Style/Alias: EnforcedStyle: prefer_alias_method Style/CollectionMethods: Enabled: true # we don't rdoc Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # this can mess with the balance of symmetric cases Style/IfInsideElse: Enabled: false # [a, b].include?(x) is more unclear than a == x || b == x Style/MultipleComparison: Enabled: false # it's microscopically faster Style/Not: Enabled: false # we use %w{} pretty frequently Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: PreferredDelimiters: default: '{}' '%w': '{}' '%W': '{}' '%i': '{}' '%I': '{}' '%r': '{}' # We want this to warn to force consistency within the codebase. Style/SafeNavigation: Enabled: true # different methods calls that do exactly the same thing are a smell, regardless of semantics Style/SignalException: EnforcedStyle: only_raise # this wants less descriptive names Style/SingleLineBlockParams: Enabled: false Style/SymbolArray: Enabled: false Style/WordArray: Enabled: false Style/HashEachMethods: Enabled: true Style/HashTransformKeys: Enabled: true Style/HashTransformValues: Enabled: true Style/CommentedKeyword: Enabled: false