--"remarkSchema" universal scope - schema before SCHEMA remarkSchema; CONSTANT remarkConstant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; TYPE remarkType = STRING; END_TYPE; ENTITY remarkEntity; remarkExplicit : STRING; DERIVE remarkDerived : STRING := 'xxx'; INVERSE remarkInverse : remarkEntity FOR remarkExplicit; UNIQUE remarkUnique : remarkExplicit; WHERE remarkWhere : TRUE; --"remarkExplicit" entity scope - entity explicit --"remarkDerived" entity scope - entity derived --"remarkInverse" entity scope - entity inverse --"remarkUnique" entity scope - entity unique --"remarkWhere" entity scope - entity where END_ENTITY; SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT remarkSubtypeConstraint FOR remarkEntity; END_SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT; FUNCTION remarkFunction (remarkParameter : STRING) : BOOLEAN; TYPE remarkType = STRING; END_TYPE; CONSTANT remarkConstant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; LOCAL remarkLocal : STRING; END_LOCAL; ALIAS remarkAlias FOR remarkLocal; ; --"remarkAlias" function alias scope - function alias END_ALIAS; REPEAT remarkRepeat := 1 TO 9; ; --"remarkRepeat" function repeat scope - function repeat END_REPEAT; remarkLocal := QUERY(remarkQuery <* remarkLocal | TRUE --"remarkQuery" function query scope - function query ); --"remarkParameter" function scope - function parameter --"remarkType" function scope - function type --"remarkConstant" function scope - function constant --"remarkLocal" function scope - function local END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE remarkProcedure (remarkParameter : STRING); TYPE remarkType = STRING; END_TYPE; CONSTANT remarkConstant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; LOCAL remarkLocal : STRING; END_LOCAL; ALIAS remarkAlias FOR remarkLocal; ; --"remarkAlias" procedure alias scope - procedure alias END_ALIAS; REPEAT remarkRepeat := 1 TO 9; ; --"remarkRepeat" procedure repeat scope - procedure repeat END_REPEAT; remarkLocal := QUERY(remarkQuery <* remarkLocal | TRUE --"remarkQuery" procedure query scope - procedure query ); --"remarkParameter" procedure scope - procedure parameter --"remarkType" procedure scope - procedure type --"remarkConstant" procedure scope - procedure constant --"remarkLocal" procedure scope - procedure local END_PROCEDURE; RULE remarkRule FOR (remarkEntity); TYPE remarkType = STRING; END_TYPE; CONSTANT remarkConstant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; LOCAL remarkLocal : STRING; END_LOCAL; ALIAS remarkAlias FOR remarkLocal; ; --"remarkAlias" rule alias scope - rule alias END_ALIAS; REPEAT remarkRepeat := 1 TO 9; ; --"remarkRepeat" rule repeat scope - rule repeat END_REPEAT; remarkLocal := QUERY(remarkQuery <* remarkLocal | TRUE --"remarkQuery" rule query scope - rule query ); WHERE remarkWhere : TRUE; --"remarkType" rule scope - rule type --"remarkConstant" rule scope - rule constant --"remarkLocal" rule scope - rule local --"remarkWhere" rule scope - rule where END_RULE; --"remarkConstant" schema scope - constant --"remarkType" schema scope - type --"remarkEntity" schema scope - entity --"remarkEntity.remarkExplicit" schema scope - entity explicit --"remarkEntity.remarkDerived" schema scope - entity derived --"remarkEntity.remarkInverse" schema scope - entity inverse --"remarkEntity.remarkUnique" schema scope - entity unique --"remarkEntity.remarkWhere" schema scope - entity where --"remarkSubtypeConstraint" schema scope - subtype constraint --"remarkFunction" schema scope - function --"remarkFunction.remarkParameter" schema scope - function parameter --"remarkFunction.remarkType" schema scope - function type --"remarkFunction.remarkConstant" schema scope - function constant --"remarkFunction.remarkLocal" schema scope - function local --"remarkProcedure" schema scope - procedure --"remarkProcedure.remarkParameter" schema scope - procedure parameter --"remarkProcedure.remarkType" schema scope - procedure type --"remarkProcedure.remarkConstant" schema scope - procedure constant --"remarkProcedure.remarkLocal" schema scope - procedure local --"remarkRule" schema scope - rule --"remarkRule.remarkType" schema scope - rule type --"remarkRule.remarkConstant" schema scope - rule constant --"remarkRule.remarkLocal" schema scope - rule local --"remarkRule.remarkWhere" schema scope - rule where END_SCHEMA; --"remarkSchema" universal scope - schema --"remarkSchema.remarkConstant" universal scope - constant --"remarkSchema.remarkType" universal scope - type --"remarkSchema.remarkEntity" universal scope - entity --"remarkSchema.remarkEntity.remarkExplicit" universal scope - entity explicit --"remarkSchema.remarkEntity.remarkDerived" universal scope - entity derived --"remarkSchema.remarkEntity.remarkInverse" universal scope - entity inverse --"remarkSchema.remarkEntity.remarkUnique" universal scope - entity unique --"remarkSchema.remarkEntity.remarkWhere" universal scope - entity where --"remarkSchema.remarkSubtypeConstraint" universal scope - subtype constraint --"remarkSchema.remarkFunction" universal scope - function --"remarkSchema.remarkFunction.remarkParameter" universal scope - function parameter --"remarkSchema.remarkFunction.remarkType" universal scope - function type --"remarkSchema.remarkFunction.remarkConstant" universal scope - function constant --"remarkSchema.remarkFunction.remarkLocal" universal scope - function local --"remarkSchema.remarkProcedure" universal scope - procedure --"remarkSchema.remarkProcedure.remarkParameter" universal scope - procedure parameter --"remarkSchema.remarkProcedure.remarkType" universal scope - procedure type --"remarkSchema.remarkProcedure.remarkConstant" universal scope - procedure constant --"remarkSchema.remarkProcedure.remarkLocal" universal scope - procedure local --"remarkSchema.remarkRule" universal scope - rule --"remarkSchema.remarkRule.remarkType" universal scope - rule type --"remarkSchema.remarkRule.remarkConstant" universal scope - rule constant --"remarkSchema.remarkRule.remarkLocal" universal scope - rule local --"remarkSchema.remarkRule.remarkWhere" universal scope - rule where